Click here to download Safeguard Just updated safeguard. It took me over 12 hours to create this map. I have perfected everything from spawning points to weapons. The map isn't a new one of mine but I recently fixed a few flaws that were annoying people who played it. Don't feel like your going to be downloading a bad map because you aren't. The map is asymmetrical. One team has an advantage over the other as they are trying to defend their 3 story base. It's a great map for one flag and one bomb games. It also works great with territories and infection. I put hours upon hours of time into making the map perfect. -ENJOY HERE ARE SOME PHOTOS: Approaching THE BASE INDOORS GARAGE TURRET THE BASE AGAIN Feel free to check out my other maps and games variants on my File Share
Re: Safeguard(Updated) looks well thought out. im going to download it now and check it out, but 1. whats with the random turret screenshot? lol.... and 2. from the screenshots, it looks very...empty, is it just the screenies? cuz if its like that, remember to use barrels or forklifts or any other scenery item for cover and asthetics
Re: Safeguard(Updated) Ya those were screen shots of the version before this. This version has added scenery towards the middle of the map . And ya, I almost didn't put the turret in but I just felt it looked cool, haha.
Re: Safeguard(Updated) Ya it could have used it a little bit there too but I have o$ on the budget. But I'm shure you'll like it, it's a really fun map.
Re: Safeguard(Updated) Looks a bit empty, other than that you did a nice job on the structures. You should add roofs however if you want them to look like actual houses. Nice work though.
Re: Safeguard(Updated) I'm downloading this one now, it looks interesting. One thing I'm going to have to check out is the weaponary, cover and movement options that are available to the attackers.
Re: Safeguard(Updated) It doesn't look like there is many ways in. How do you get into the house apart from that ramp up top?
Re: Safeguard(Updated) There is a door on the bottom of the building. A tunnel leading from the garage. Also the ramp which leads to the garage rooftop. Theres also a few other ways. Go ahead and check it out. You'll see
please, I appreciate all the downloads but it would be even cooler to see your comments, suggestions, etc. -Thanx