Yay another stargate feature length.My favorite tv series barr atlanis is back for another hour and a half Dunno if its already aired in other countries but im seeing it next tuesday on sky.Sounds cool and ill definately be watching but combined with "ark of truth" does this mean they want to bring SG-1 back? They've already ended SG-1 as a series but it almost seems as though the writers miss it and want to keep going. Frankly though they couldn't bring it back after specifically saying tis finsihed...can they? Honestly i prefer atlantis for the extra frequency of zippy cool space battles and shiny special effects...combined with the storytelling of the writers but thats not to say i wouldnt welcome another series. Downside of course being is they've already moved carter to atlantis and finally let o'neil leave so there would be a good few new characters or wild cards that may or may not be good. Thoughts?
Yeah im in a sci-fi family too My dad was the only one who didnt like it. He used to go nuts calling it garbage...THEN we just reminded him he watches soaps and that generally shuts him up....carnation street...*shudder* ...theres no girl in y35's sig atm...jsut his barcode thing(awesome btw) and lime seven
well I woudnt say I'm in a sci fi family. It was a good show on tv at the time; we only have 4 channels
By sci-fi family i meant you watched sci-fi.A good few families i know wouldnt touch sci-fi with a barge pole.