Hello all, So i have been making a map for the past month and after making most of it I began adding some weapons. I saw a guide for weapon placement.... however it failed to help me due to my love of power weapons and high positions for snipers! Basically i am asking for someone to help me position these weapons so that gameplay is very fun and very balanced. The map itself is almost complete and features interlocking, merging, and maybe a chute, if i can be arsed. To anyone who wants to help me i can assure you that you will be thanked when the map is posted and have your name on the creators list.
if we can work out a time, i can do it. ive been having problems occasionally connecting to XBoxLive though, so this may or may not work out. I've been told im pretty good with weapon placement. Its all a matter of preference though.
yes, that would b e excellent i will message u via xbox live ASAP.... erm what is ur gamertag, mine is Overthehodge.
nooooooooooooooo! i lost. no need for anyone to reply to this thread as thesilencebroken is helping me. someone can lock it. if they want?