Xtreme Karting.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by HoW Jones, Aug 4, 2008.


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  1. HoW Jones

    HoW Jones Ancient
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    Xtreme Karting
    Created by HoW Jones, deathman1212 and HoW Monty

    Supported Gametypes:
    RACETRACKS, Karting and Bungie 500.

    Map Description
    The map design is based on that of the Xtreme Karting indoor go kart centre in Falkirk, UK. You spawn in the pits and after the first turn, you drive over the flyover, a bridge in the middle of the track. After coming down the flyover, you negotiate a tricky hairpin bend, speed down the back straight into a another hairpin. Then you drive under the flyover. After a challenging Left/Right section, you cross the line to start another lap. The map comes complete with a working anti cheat system. It also contains a number of good drifting opportunities.


    Start/Finish Straight and Pit Lane

    The Bridge

    The Back Stretch

    A view from the 2nd hairpin to the last corner

    The anti cheat in explosive action

    This is my first posting so please keep criticism constructive. Any feedback is appreciated. Enjoy the race!
    Download Xtreme Karting HERE
    Download Karting HERE
    Download Video HERE


    The Karting Gametype

    First player to complete 25 laps wins. (this can be edited to your preferences)

    Racers only get points for completing a lap, nothing else.

    There is only one VIP Point (lap counter) on the map, not all of the confusing only the person in first place gets points, multiple VIP Point style.

    Racers do 0% damage to prevent the killing of other racers.

    Racers have 100% damage resistance so that they can be killed by the anti cheat.

    Friendly fire is turned on so that you cannot kill a team way in any way, not even assassinations.

    Racers have high gravity and slow movement to ensure, that driving a mongoose is the only way to win.


    The real track
    Xtreme Karting Larbert Falkirk Indoor Go Karting Centre
    http://www.xtremekarting.co.uk/Photos/Full/Bridge 0707.JPG
    http://www.xtremekarting.co.uk/Photos/Full/track layout july 07.jpg
    #1 HoW Jones, Aug 4, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    last 2 pics don't work. begining looks sloppy, but i can't get a good look at the overpass, and that looks cool.

    ok first post. welcome to forgehub
  3. HoW Jones

    HoW Jones Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the welcome, we're not master forgers, yet. Can you please tell me how to fix the links.
  4. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hmm looks good, i just dont like using movable objects in a racetrack
    if someone screws up the whole map is screwed
  5. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    seems to basic of a track to base a map like this off of. Also the title must be the same as the map so you can't have "Based on a real race track. Pics and Movie!." That just doesn't fly.
  6. HoW Jones

    HoW Jones Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That happens at the real track. The deforming barriers.
    #6 HoW Jones, Aug 4, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  7. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    i guess it is okay, but needs to be less messy and more neat. nice bridge, but the turns seems REALLY messy!!!!! needs more work. 2/5
  8. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I usually don't like foundry race maps that have anything more than a second or two or barrier blocked track. You're new here so I don't expect anything AMAZING, but I'm still telling you that most if not all of your map should be made out of immovable objects. Below is the link to what I think is THE BEST racetrack on forgehub. Look at it, and you'll understand what I mean. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/race-maps/22619-wave-runner.html
    #8 ZANDER1994, Aug 4, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  9. screenhunter69

    screenhunter69 Ancient
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    even though its your first post you got the pic thing down.....now you need to put more
  10. a dead guinea pig

    Senior Member

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    just because a racetrack has alot of barriers and movable objects doesn't mean it is a bad track. Atleast half plus racetracks at www.halotracks.org have movable objects and those tracks are great.and wave runner isn't the best track ever, I like that track ALOT but there are better tracks out there.
  11. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I never said I specifically did not like maps with movable objects. I usually don't like maps that use movable objects more than the least amount possible. On maps like standoff, I expect more move able objects because of the small pallet of immovable objects given. On foundry, I expect less. To make my comment a little more accurate, I'll insert the word foundry inbetween like and race.
  12. V3SPH

    V3SPH Ancient
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    I agree with dead guinea.

    But i like this map, its not too long, and not too short. I personally don't like race maps made by the proest forgers with banked turns, lifts, and all that other stuff that new people dont know how to do. Hes a new forger, so dont expect That stuff. YOu cant expect everyone that posts a map on this site to be a pro forger.

    The map is great, keep forgin!
  13. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    it doesnt look to bad, a little messy, but for your first post, its fine. good job, and welcome to forgehub.
  14. HoW Jones

    HoW Jones Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, everyone. When you geo-glitch movable objects do they become immovable? Also I used the barriers and dumpsters to give the map the same aesthetics as the real thing. With walls it would be "just another race map."
  15. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Like he said, You must have only the map name in the title of the thread.
    Please change the title.

    Good first map though, nice idea and construction, for your next map try alot of interlocking and other techniques found in the forging 101 section, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.
  16. How Den

    How Den Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've been to this track and can say that this is a great representation of the real thing. I'd recommend the track to everyone. It isn't too hard like some "mongfoose skillz" maps, isn't ugly like many racetracks, and is a replica of a circuit that exists in the real world, something I haven't seen yet in Halo.

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