its a little better than my other one i guess :/ The Forerunner Base Was Abandoned After The First Ring Was Destroyed The Forerunners Believed It Had A Curse Upon It So They Ran Then The Covenant Discovered This Cursed Base Took It And Just Camped On It But The Chief Rather Just Kill Them All And Take It! Can You Take It? link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Looks pretty solid. Plus no one can flame at you for using one screenshot, because that's all it is *wink*. I'd have to say, as simple as it is, I think this is pretty original for a Halo 3 map. Maybe on other games the format has been used, but on Halo 3 I don't think anyone else has done this before. The only tip, without playing it, is to take out wraiths. In my opinion I don't think Bungie should have made wraiths forgable on Foundry, they just get stuck and cause mayhem. Good map though, 4/5.
First thing first, 'mastersync23' you don't need a gametype on a map post and secondly this map needs more of a description to make it better. As foundry maps go, this isn't the best of them but it does have good features. As the wraiths would normally own in a map, al least you have provided some sheild doors cover. I do see the forerunner aspect of the map with the stairs pointing upright but to me, these strucutres are a little simple and could do with some polishing off. For the map as a whole, I would add more cover (cover at the moment isn't great) so that the wraiths son't dominate but if you don't mind removing the wraiths, I would do that. Maybe replace them with some more structures as I'm sure you have plenty of money left over. If you really want to make a forerunner base, I would suggest making a map on Avalanche as that has forerunner walls and etc... Just a note. Let people comment on your map first before you comment again. (I don't mean double posting.) It seems to me that on the maps you have posted, you let them say a comment and immeditly reply to that. I wouldn't do this as it could be counted as spam posting and other members hate that. I haven't made the rule, it's just a rule. Try to obey this and you may not get an infraction.
yeah it looks like a nice map it almost reminds me of cat n mouse but it does need more pictures but also a map can have a gametype but then again it sometimes doesn't so then you were both right and both wrong
Well arbiter, it is kind of hard to rate your map too well without a description, but I would say that from the screenshots it looks fairly good. I would suggest more cover from the wraiths and more pics and a weapon set.
I can't rate with out a discription but my worries about this map is that it looks like it was put together quickly an without much thought, I'll have to play to decide though
O **** MAN THIS MAP HAS NO DESCRIPTION IN IT I CAN'T RATE THIS A GENERIC 3/5 WITHOUT A DESCRIPTION Here's a thought; give a legitimate reason for being too lazy to test it out.
The map seems very open, and that means that the wraiths would create mayhem for anyone not in a wraith. Also, it seems a bit too simplistic, maybe if you added more floors to the central base and the left base by the wraiths, it would be better. Also, more cover in general would be helpful.
well i guess you can use this map for the cats n mice gametype but the post would be better if you had more pics showing the otherside?
Judging by that one pic, the map seems to be okay but a one-liner description and one pic isn't really going to attract many people. A post like that won't get you very many downloads. Add some more pics, add some info about weapons/equipment on the map, game settings, etc. You should also add gameplay screenies, with people playing on your map.
weel it looks pretty good, basic, but good and I think it needs a gametype unless its competitive... It is probably fun but most people here want