4 ariel cat and mouse maps falcon eagle osprey condor and a custom gametype Just a small addition to my Birds of prey map pack.CONDOR works the same as the others but it also works well with the prey on foot.Some areas are blocked off others filled with exsplosives.Power drains work well because sometimes your engines will kick back in sometimes they wont.Zombies should be carefull when starting as you may fly into the death barrier The idea is simple humans{prey}have 1 life and a choice of equipment they are bubble shields{defensive},flares{evasive}and power drains{offensive} be the last man standing and you will get 3 points The zombies start pink and are only able to do 25% damage but have full vechile use.They also have access to 2 banshees and a hornet as well as a rocket launcher,laser trip mines. However these cannot be picked up without getting the custom power up which returns damage to normal but resticts the 2 zombies to passenger only which means that the zombies have a choice split up and use the weaker banshees or work toghether and use the hornet.The alternate fire modes of the air vechiles{rockets banshee bomb}are weak but they still have an impact great for pushing prey of the cliff or into the minefield.If you want a pink zombie can br dropped to a wraith just for all you purists out there There is a lot of movable objects,mancannon,shields,ramps,exsplovies and limited cover on the maps.The ball lauchers on avalanche are my favourite. The default setting on the gametype is for 9 people{it can be easily changed to less or more} there are 3 rounds and 3 zombies so everyone has a turn Hammers make a good weapon for the prey to start with to prevent splatters but this is not the default setting DOWNLOAD CONDOR{Construct} DOWNLOAD BIRDS OF PREY OTHER BIRDS OF PREY MAPS
Wow! Someone finally used a hornet and banshees on construct. It looks as if it would play well. But couldn't the humans find a small hiding spot and survive. But good Idea on the zombie passenger Idea. Edit: Not like it matters, but wooh first post.
yes they could but i was surprised because there are not that many and there is nothing stopping the zombies getting off as well and it is a minigame winning isnt everything
A trapped mouse in the hidey hole that is Coagulation. Hmm..... I've never seen Banshees and/or hornets in the level Construct. Realistic,Original,Forged with excellent taste and Down-Right awesome.5/5,i would go higher but I cant .
it looks like a pretty good map very good and original idea a little more editing could make it a little better 5/5 v2 is a must you should keep coming up with this stuff
Thanks although the budget for construct is smaller than average and once the vechiles and exsplosives have been added its even smaller However I am planning a dogfight hill type map pack using the same levels