okay so i have a question for everybody.. is there any way to make 2 sigs and to be together in my signature? like the first one appears, then the second one? and it loops? please help! edit: i know this is the graphic and art forum.. but this is a question pertaining to it sorry if i put this in the wrong thread mods!
Yes, you can create an account on a signature rotator site. Then you upload pictures to your account and it gives you a single URL. The site randomly switches between the images you have in your account, changing every time the page is loaded/reloaded. This one looks decent.
I forgot how to switch back the colors from greyscale to regular on the non-gif one. If you know why to do it why dont you?
Wouldn't it be difficult to make a GIF loop that contains a GIF in it? Because you'd need the green animation signature to loop for say, a minute, but you also need that animation as a whole to loop. Oh well. Good news, Lord Duckington. I remembered the name of the signature rotation site I used to use back in the day. It's randomimage.net. I made you a signature rotator as a demonstration, but you should probably create your own account so you can add more pictures whenever you want. Reload the page a few times. Edit: Maybe the server is acting up a little. I know there are other ways of doing this. Yeah, server must have been down for a few minutes. Anyway, it's back up and functional.
well duck i can get it done by about 6 pm PST, im not at my computer right now... i have a program with which i can do it in about a minute. other than that i cant tell ya how. if you want me to: how long do you want each sig to be visible for? also can you post the link to your current sig for me?
In my opinion, making a GIF is much more complicated and takes more time. Just create an account at RandomImage.net to create a signature rotator like the one I posted above. It's very simple, and you can easily add new images, unlike with GIF's.
okay guys, i went to the site Ravn suggested, and it worked just fine! thanks again for all the input though, FH community really is great
For the record, a GIF that displayed the green signature for 30 seconds and then the grunt signature for 30 seconds would be 12.4 MB. That's why you don't make it a GIF. =o