WINDPIPE windpipe is a map i made today because i was bored. so there is hardly interlocking i just wanted to make a mini-game. so with out more i will just go into the pitures: an overview: Junk pile-up: the ledge that you can tip fusion coils of to danger your enemies... or your self: best over view: you ave been traped in a junkyard pipe that has been abanded for ages. much wind has gathered in the pipe causeing all the junk to fly around! but you can fly too! stay alive! take out your enemies by dropping the fusion coils on them, with the many stickys on the floor, or by droping the infinet respawn grav-lifts on them raising them to flying vehicals. because grav-lifts are on instant respawn there can be up to 20 grav lifts floating aroung the pipe. most of them will never toch the ground! if the pipe gets clogged feel free to pick up the gravlifts and send them vehicals flying! or your self. because you can get very high! this game can be played by yourself if you want. the goal is to survive. if you have 6 people i suggest using your gernades! and if you end up spawning out of the map please tell me. it may happen if you play with more then 6 poeple. it may even happen with 3! but i'm pretty sure it could work with 6... there is five rounds of about 3 min. you have five lives. survive! one last thing... don't complain needs more interlocking... because V2 i'm working on. this was just a little thing for fun before i post my big map. ENJOY! Download Windpipe here Download Game type, Look out!, here
this looks like a fancy fishbowl, and i think it would play better i cant wait to see the interlocked one
how dumb do you think we are. i didn't click, and i know that will lead you to a rick ashley video. -rep for spam
depends... some times the vehicals get jammed and you can hide. other times your dead right away. other times the one truck gets stuck in a grav-lift causeing major bck up in the sky. even if it gets jammed there are plenty of gernades to kill people with. or you can take the instant respawn gav-lifts and unclog it. it's up to you! one last thing is you can play by your self if you want. the goal is to stay alive all five rounds!
um... well I personally don't think you should have posted this in the first place if it isn't done yet or it could be improved. Well not very original (at all). Please don't post unless you mean it, this is akin to spam.
Seems allot like the older map called fish bowl and you should add anouther goal other than surviving mabey make it a oddball/assault gametype. I know you did this on your free time but if your not really going to try to make the map don't post itor wait untill its really nice then post it.
it was completely finished and all maps can be improved right? and i'm currently making v2. as for fish bowl... i never heard of it... i really just made this today cause i was borred...
strangest mini game ever lol. once you have more time, make it interlocked and make it more fun as in add stuff from forging 101. besides that, great map! 4/5
ive seen 2 many maps like tis that are so much better... please take your time to make it a little more cleaner
Agreed. SPAM IT IS! The map isn't the best i've seen from you penguin, but again you said you were bored, and I like that you actually incorporated a mini game into it. Edit: By the way, love the new sig!
Lol you were really bored today blue. Oh well. Looks like you were having fun. This is a pretty big description for something so basic. Well good job? blue.
looks like all the other fishbowl/ toitot, or blender maps out. i think interlocking it, and adding some distinguishing features will get ya more downloads/
looks a little chaotic im gona download to see how it plays though. is there an area your supposed to reach, or is it just flying around with the vehicles and debris?