While i kinda doubt anyone anyone other than me played ths game, ill try to explain why i bring this up. Jedi Academy was a terible game. theres no other way to put it. guns sucked, single player sucked, even lightsabers sucked...but then came Lugormod. Somehow Lugor (the creator, i helped test out everything ) managed to make a mod that let u use the objects from the game. you could place...everything practically. This also included things like trigger_multiple, trigger_hurt, even retexture objects. to have this in Halo 3 is obviously impossible, but imagine how amazing it would be with it. Ill try to give u guys an example, but theres no real way to truly understand it without having tried it /place trigger_multiple 0 origin,(X) (Y) (Z) (Angle),maxs,(X) (Y) (Z),mins,(X)(Y)(Z), spawnflags,4,target,helloooo /place target_print * targetname, helloooo,spawnflags,2,message,LOL U JUST RAN OVER A MESSAGE THINGY and so if you ran over this invisible area, you would see LOL U JUST RAN OVER A MESSAGE THINGY on your screen. We made 'credits', we made 'shops', 'quests', everything you can imagine probobly...now your probobly jealous or something so ill shut up so yea how sweet would that system be in halo
hey u played too? maybe u remember Clan MOO? i was leader for a few years...we had like over 100 members at some times...or AoC, i was Co Leader until it fell apart under its 200 members
i know its hard to explain...but basically ANY object the developers used to make the game, you could use. for example, areas that triggered stuff (cutscenes, music, targetted a NPC spawn, anything), or a button that you had to press useon, and then it did something, or any FX effect from the game...and then placing them on multiplayer maps anywhere you want, based on a grid
I see now. I would place some text around Sandtrap that says "Stop driving dem' darn vehicles" with emphasis on the H
that wud b very basic, but yea i remember 1 of the last things i made was a hot tub, complete with effects and a twii'lek, it also healed you while inside
cutscenes were pretty tough, JKA had a pretty limited animation selection...but yea u could theoretically
not really. you had to get exact 'origins' if you wanted a thing placed decently well (think of a map on a huge XYZ grid...) however, u could get really complex and nice stuff in there that u cant even get close to in Halo
that sounds pretty sweet. But oh well i guess i will have to just stick to my premaking of my halo maps on Maya and then doing them on halo for real.