I was wondering who is getting it. Here is some information on the changes that the Ubisoft team has brought to the game. :squirrel_wtf:
That sounds really fun. Somebody I know will hopefully get it so I can play. I won't personally buy it, I'm not much of a Vegas person either. The only reason I have CoD 4 is because someone bought it for me.
Definitely getting it... I can't wait for it :squirrel_rocking: i was expecting a little more to change but it still sounds good... and thank god there decreasing loading time! -Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
I'm considering the creation of a gamebattles clan (unrelated to FH of course). I may either go the comical path with Squirrel Army or think of something really bad ass.
Are you going to use vegas for the clan? Personally I like the name License to Kill (LTK), but thats just me -Donuts
Hmmm... I too would like to know more about this clan... :squirrel_eyebrow: - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
I would get it, but there are a lot of games I want to buy before it, Battlefield Bad Company, Frontlines fuels of war, Burnout Paradise, and SSBB. I just don't have enough money and I just got the last vegas at christmas so it might be awhile before I get it...
Probably will buy it, but mostly for the co-op. I never found R6 to be as good online as halo or cod.
I passed on the first one, but I believe i will definitely be picking this one up. Im just a bit concerned about the learning curve since i'll be a noob.
it's not that hard. for me i'm better at games where you die easily and where there's one head shot kills like cod4, so if you're good at that then it'll probably be easy. anyone remember in vegas 1 you could use the vision camera to put your face on your character? my friend did that since i don't have one and it was so funny. it actually kinda looked like him lol.
Using the camera for the character face was the coolest feature. I hope they improve the load times for those too.
Taping usually fixes that problem. :squirrel_wink: I was thinking of the following names for a possible clan. Forge Ahead Squirrel Corps Paradise Legion
I thought Bad Company wasn't supposed to come out till the end of the year? I'm pretty sure I'll get this game. Vegas 1 was tons of fun, and it basically fostered the whole "Unlock able weapons" idea to COD4. It sounds a lot like they are just fixing things that shouldn't have been in Vegas 1 though, so basically it's an expansion. The silenced sniper rifle sounds like a terrible idea, not only will it probably take 3+ shots to the body to kill some one with, but it'll be even weaker with a silencer...
actually im not much of a vegas guy, i never really got into the multiplayer or singleplayer...ill probobly buy 2 tho...does it have clan support?