i don't want to give them away. but for the first one, think paratroopers, and for the second, think the tunnel in reflex, x4. if you want to help, leave your gt. please don't steal my ideas
i gave brief details. it shouldn't matter what exactly it is. if you want to help. say so, if not, don't say anything
"think about this thing" i hardly a description. But yeah im willing to help. Dont worry about me stealing,i dont post maps,havent got the patience to make em Supa Midget000
here's a map idea, in the first level from .. either halo 1 or 2, can't remember.. there's a level where you have to get ready at a door where the attackers break through.. and then plant a bomb.. this could be developed into a big exploding gate in the middle set to explode at like, a minute in, eg by dropping fusion coils, then the attackers have to try to proceed past turrets snipers etc.
I might be able to help depending on what needs to be done and when you can do it. GT: Isle 0f View the "O" in of is a zero