Debate Were there ever any creature similar or like a Dragon

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chemical Wasp, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    A chemical fire works very differently.
    A computer on fire,ever tried using water on it?
    Thats why they use CO2 in extinguishers these days.
    Ever tried lighting a green wet leaf on fire with gasoline?
    Its bloody easy
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    you're right about the chemical fire being hard to extinguish. I don't see a way around that.

    You don't use water on a burning computer because of the electricty running through it. Back then the only electricity around was lightning and whatever creatures had the same thing as an electric Eel.

    A leaf will burn sure because it's small and easily heated a large tree trunk on the other hand will take a long time to light no matter how much gasoline you pour on in. So yea, it could start a massive forest fire but after a time it would run out of fuel and burn out or get put out by the rain falls that happened quite frequently back then and in a deluge much bigger than what we see today.

    Also perhaps this creature could only breath fire for a very limited range.

    I'm not arguing that a fire breathing creature ever existed mate, just that it could have.
  3. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    You also dont realize that back in dino times there was double the oxygen in the air there is today.
    Forest fires wouldnt be a slight chance,they be almost guaranteed
    And electrical fires are also not put out well by fire,its not just the shock
    #23 Supa Midget, Aug 4, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    With all the different variables in life it's still possible. Maybe they breathed a fire that was hot, but not hot enough to actually light anything on fire. Who knows.

    Electrical fires are only considered electrical when the electricity is still flowing. Once that is gone, it's just whatever the fire is burning then. So a burst of lightning will ignite a tree but almost as soon as the lightning hits, it's gone and what you have left is a wood fire.

    Same with Chemical fires. once the chemicals are gone, it's just a regular fire. The reason fire extinguishers use CO2 now is because we like to put fires out fast rather than let them burn away the original source first.

    Back on topic, it is possible that dragons and such could exist but more than likely it's just humanity's imagination gone wild. Like when people thought the sun was an angry god that they must please with human sacrifice.
  5. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Im sure theres an inkling of truth behind the dragon but i imagine it was jsut a combination of humanities fears.
    Like the chimeara or manticore being combinations of terrifying creatures
  6. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    lol so in the main part we agree, where we differ is you say they could not have existed at all and I'm saying it's possible but more than likely not.
  7. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    As to the fire dancer,all i can say is it hardly makes sense for an animal to breath non-dangerous fire.
    It would be nothing above a fear tactic and there are easier fear tactics
    "frills that make you loo bigger,mimicing a posionous creature etc etc"
    I doubt natural selection would come up with a natural rude goldberg machine.

    Besides a fire breathin creature in that enviroment would have be blind,or it would blind itself.
    Have you ever seen magnessium burn?
    Thats the equivalent of how bright a fire would be back then,due to all that extra oxegen.To give you an idea of oxegans effect,magnessium burning in an oxegen rich enviroment is similar to a flash grenade going off,if you dont blink or have shades on of some kind youll lose your site for a while(not long).Continuos retina damge=blind.

    And im just disproving that trait of "dragons".the rest ive already dealt with.We agree in the amin part but at this stage i cant jsut let you win now can i? :D lol
  8. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    lol Wouldn't be much of a debate if you did. But I'm done. I like dragons too much to believe they could not have possibly existed. And I'm not smart enough to keep going.
  9. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Fair enough :)
    Im into reptiles and chemistry though so i dont think it was a fair fight ;D
  10. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    I think there was creatures like the dragon ...
    Because why would it be so popular now?
    I mean like how would it be so popular if it wasn't real?
    Because i could say there was a huge creature called Traga ..
    Then it suddenly becomes popular .. Unless people believe "Traga" was real .. before ..
  11. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    Well there's the Mutulisk in Starcraft...and then theirs the creatures of Hary Potter, so yeah.
  12. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Thats like saying a manticore had to be real becuase so many greeks believed in it and its a popular myth.
    The manticore could not possibly have existed for many reasons that frnakly are off topic here.
    The point is the idea of a dragon,in my opinion something people came up with to explain things.
    Read the other posts about how the dragon myth got to the west.
    As for the fire,ive made a theory but it could have been as simple as one person seeing a large bird in the sky after he saw something be hit by lgihtning,word spreads and it becomes integrated into the myth.
    Saying something has to exist simply becuase so many people believe in it is ridiculous.
  13. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I'll give you a better Example. God.
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I was going to mention that but i thought it a wee bit too controversial for somehting this mundane :S
    Anyway im off to bed so no more arguing with me for awhile :)
  15. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I would say that it could exist, but they whole fire breathing thing would be totally not possible. Unless they like threw kerosene and a match in their mouth.
  16. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    actually yes. i go by the bible in every debate, and in the bible it mentions a dragon under the sea in vivid detail, you should look it up, because im not quite sure what verse it was, but it is quite interesing to think about it. freaked me out to.
  17. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Im pretty sure i'd burst into flames if i tried.
    But you know if saint george or whoever killed a dragon it doesnt really prove jack.The saints did quite alot of things that we know today to be fairly impossible.
    The last thing i want to bring up a god discussion,this isnt the place and i really dont want to get into it.
    Becuase hell i can always bring up my dads mathematical proof that there is no god.He literally pitched it to a priest who couldnt disagree.Now if he can just remember it....
  18. Masta Blastr

    Masta Blastr Ancient
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    Dinosaurs are almost like dragons so there should have been one. There is nothing to say that dinosaurs don't breath fire either.
  19. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    lol have you even read the thread mate?
  20. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Seriously dude....your lucky i dont give you neg rep for entering a debate with that crappy a statement lol
    #40 Supa Midget, Aug 5, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008

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