Dragonforce are orgazzz I don't really listen to them though as I don't download music and I'm too poor to buy music. Is that supposed to be a guitar that she's holding? ****ing win
I guess the real question is, will you buy the album anyway? I don't know your habits, but I've always wanted to have a hard copy of the music with the album art along with the digital tunes. Sounds much better anyway, IMO. I've DL'd a lot of music illegally (back before Metallica ****ed Napster in the ass), but if it was ever a full album, I'd end up buying it to support the band as much as I could. I'm all for screwing the record companies, but the bands themselves are always the ones who end up losing out on money in the end.
I heard Dragonforce on kerrang yesterday .. Not sure if it was a new song or old but it was good! It was called .. Umm Heroes of time or something like that .. And i loved it! The solos were class as always =]
Actually, I saw them live about a week-and-a-half ago. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they performed. The internet says they suck live, but they proved the contrary to me.
tbh, they need to change. Id like to see their talent take up heavy metal. There songs are all high pitched songs about med evil times ect. Oh, and they suck live big time. But i still have a number of their songs. But i got pretty sick of em quickly.