ya the title pretty much says is all anyway i made this when i was bored so heres some pics: the whole thing: a side view: another side view: and the author: heres the link: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Quite harsh. But unfortinually yes. You should put a little more time and effort into your map. I'm sure you still had a lot of money left over. Plus, I would even believe posting it on here, maybe, took longer than making the map itself. Sorry.
im afraid i must agree, and i also saw a wall that wasnt flush. plus its too simple, there is nothing there, it looks like a ten minute map
wow this kid rated my map a one, just cause i said his maps bad. i guess i was a little mean, but i was trying to help.
When rating a map it's a rare occasion when I rate a 'terrible,' unfortunately this is one of those occasions. Upon first glance I noticed many citical errors... NO interlocking (sorry to echo previous posters), the map does not look clean, smooth, or appear to ahve any advanced forging techniques. The map has too much open space, is mos cases is a big "NO-NO" on forghub, as is interlocking almost a requirement for a great map. I highly suggest you read the forging 101 tips before creating your next map.
welcome to forge hub! dont worry you are going to get alot of there is no interlocking and that stuff but say for your first map good job!
Even the name makes me cringe... sorry, not to be a jerk, but you should look at the forging tips on the website. This map is open and just won't seem very fun to play on. I realize that being new to this stuff you can't always be expected to forge well on you first try. Especially not with forging tricks like interlocking. But even without interlocking the map looks like it took you 30 seconds to make. You don't have to interlock everything so you map is "perfect" or so a wall is "smooth" which is something everyone here has a beef with, but at least think it through next time. (And people really like it when you have a creative name for your map.) So better luck next time man. P.S. You figured out the signature thing faster than I did!
welcome to forgehub and not trying to be to criticall but here most of us spend more then 5 minutes on a map the map has nothing to it and is way to bare good try though keep working and hopefully you will get it
This guy deserves plus rep. He just said exactly what I and others are thinking, and will probably end up getting 20 negative reps from noobs who don't understand that. He gave my 4 opinions simple and to the point. Read forging 101 to learn how to do the stuff mentioned by clicking on the link below. Also, draw out your maps or something. If you could make anything, what would it look like? I doubt you would make two box like bases, with a random stairway in the middle and call it done. Start with that and then make your map. ForgeHub - Forge 101- Halo 3 Maps Edit: Also, you should look at some of the featured maps here at forgehub. They'll inspire you. They are in the second box on the left side of the homepage. Don't be a jerk a rate stin's map bad. I'm sorry, but this map is just not a winner at all. You took 5 minutes on it. Stin probably wasted hours and hours so don't rate his bad. You made a mistake if you thought that you'd get lots of great comments here at FORGEHUB where the best of the best maps are made.
Dude this looks great!! I just **** my pants it looks so awesome But really you should have put more stuff on the map to add to the gameplay nice try.
Ok I'm gonna take the moral high road here and defend this guy. Everyone has to start somewhere. My very first map I made was fortunately back before I discovered ForgeHub, and fortunately so because I didn't post it here. I spent hours and hours trying to prefect my Sandtrap variant, eve though I guarantee it looks like I spent a whopping 30 minutes on my map. As to some of your specific complaints, they aren't necessarily bad things. First off, flipping boxes is ENTIRELY a matter of personal preference. There are many scenarios, mainly open boxes and cool shiny things, where it is preferable to have the boxes right side-up. Even in the map I'm forging now, almost all my boxes are right side up. I'm not just a noob and don't know any better, it's how I want them. Interlocking is not always necessary. While I realy can't argue that some interlocking and alignment fixes could greatly improve this map, there's a lot of times where interlocking just causes more problems than it solves. The point is, this is this guy's first try. Yeah it probably isn't the greatest map ever, and I only give it a 1.5/5, but hell, just leave him alone...
Well, if he's rating other maps bad because his isn't all that great, I don't really feel like pitying him. Besides, noone just plain out said THIS MAPS SUKS or anything really mean. Everyone who commented said that he didn't put to much time into it, and that's as close as it got to being "mean".