Devils Backbone Made By: JBARRON402 Map: Foundry Gametype: Racetracks Description: This is a very intense race course with several features, new and even some freshly tweaked old style features: Devils Backbone: A twisting and winding ramp up to the top of the map. The geometry on this ramp is like none you have played before. Tunnel: This is not the ordinary tunnel. You must exit out of one of the three openings. The openings are a little tight, but wide enough that you won't scrape the wall if you drive well. If you are too indecisive and miss, the you will come to a dead stop. Jump: The fence wall jump over the finish line is designed to give you a lot of air. When you come off the ramp, you just keep going up when you think you should be going down. No grav lifts or man cannons either. Tail Bone: This is your traditional 180 double wall bank, but with a few tweaks to the entrance of the bank. Cheat Proof Finish Line: The same measure I use in all maps to deter cheaters. The map has a pretty good flow with the turns and the design of the track. Everything has been bordered that I felt needed to be bordered off. The backbone section has open slots on the inside. If you fall off there, then you might want to practice a little(you will see what I mean when you play it). Pics: Garage Turn 1 and Entrance to Backbone Bottom of Backbone Top of Backbone The 180 around the Tail Bone Exit through the Tunnel Turn Before the Finish Ramp over the Finish The destination is floating eventhough you cannot see it in the pic. You cannot is on the destination. What inspired your creation? Simple: Burnout Revenge. I was playing on a few of their tracks and liked some of the features they had in the track. They had a long curving turn that lead uphill, hence the backbone portion. In a lot of their entrances to the tunnels, they had archways for you to crash into if you didn't have control of your car. I wanted that challenging aspect in the map. How long did your tracks take to build? It took me about Ten hours to build. Another hour or two to border off completely. What aspect took the longest to create? Hands down, it would have to be the backbone part. Getting the angles right and actually making it plain off on the floor were the hardest, especially since I start from the top. I start from the top, so I get get the twisting and cambered part they way I wanted it. I didn't want too much camber in the turn, just enough to make it a little more challenging. Download Map: Click Here
looks like a great race map... be better if it had some sort of anti-cheat system but I'm still gonna DL it.
Great Name Great Name! It perfectly matches the look of this track. Very unique. I'll download and post later.
Wow that is the best interlocking with bridges I have ever seen! It really got my attention. I also love the slopes you have created the are among some of the greatest racetracks I've ever seen! Nice work yet a nother cource for me to destroy my friends in! A download from me!
Thanks for all the positive feedback immediately. Also, there is some sort of anticheat system. I even posted that there is one.
i love te idea of a long curving ramp and also the slots with the doors the only snags i saw was on the starting bridge ramp theres a smallhole and it looks kinda east you get out of the racetrack
You can't get stuck in it. I made sure you could easily ride over it. Also, no one really goes that far right on the entrance to the ramp. You cannot advance the track at all. The only place you can really go is back in the hallway, but that does you no good unless you are just wanting to hide.
Looks great, but the anticheat system looks like it has a flaw. Don't get me wrong if I judged by pictures, but I don't see any device that would push you through the system so that you can't just sit there. Other than that, I love the backbone, and very creative idea/name.
that first part was really cool. i like the way it turns. the map looks really fun and imgonna dl. but idk where to get a "devils backbone" out of this i would change the name. happy forgin'!
UMM wow that is epic. I love your use of bridges on the upward slope. Great idea. It looks kind of short, but I'm sure that just makes it more action packed.
Looks like a fun map 5/5 awsome first turn also the other stuff looks "sick" nice interlocking 5/5, Keep Forging!
i really like the interesting design of this map. i like the curved bridge ramp a lot too. it looks really cool and looks at least as good as a lot of other race maps nice job!
looks great 5/5 its amazing to me it looks like the first ramp up is twisting alitttle even if itsnt its so wide alot of room to turn looks great DL from me
this map looks very well made. good job. i like the bridges and how they were made it looks very very clean. i also like the turn youmade with the double boxes. good job on this map.
Wow man you are getting a lot of publicity. It has been on the 5 most recent for like 5 hours now. =)
Really, five hours. That is pretty cool. I hope it does well. This isn't as smooth in certain places of the track because I didn't intend for them to be, but it doesn't take away from the flow. I made sure of that. About the Anit-Cheating system: The destination is floating in the air. You cannot sit on the destination. You have to go off of the ramp to go through the destination. I know that pic doesn't show it.