About Challenge 2: I have an Elnongation remake I have been working on for some time. I would direct you to the page of V2.6, but that would hardly make the cut for the challenge. V3.0 is almost done, but I need assistance on Respawn placement and weapon respawn times. If you could, would you help on these two issues and possibly others if they arise? Send a Live message to me or a PM. I'm on all the time.
I made a sort of spiritual successor to Boarding Action. It's two ships with three levels, and you can't jump from one ship to the other. Check it out HERE.
I started a longest one times, because I love that map..but it got slightly farther away from it as I went. I may actually complete that project sometime. On another note, I thought bout the boarding action remakes on blackout...omg that would be hard. I was screwing around in CE last night and boarding actions huge, and relatively complex. Plus, I don't really like the map lol.
Well, I handled spawn issues myself and Elongation V3.0 is done and out. Click the link Elongation V3.0 in my sig for the map here at Forge Hub. Disregard V2.6, that map shouldn't even be out anymore. Can't make the boxes move, not enough pallets.I'll keep trying new things for later versions, but chances are, it will never come. That's why my map is a Throwback to the original. It's all like Elongation from H2, but has like 2 H3 elements.
I'll see what I can't do about a spiritual successor to boarding action. The only problem with it is that I'm not sure if there's enough room for such a map, speaking vertically (Bungie did do very strange things with the elastic barrier).
I was thinking about boarding action on blackout before i saw that! Since we have all the material we need, i can imagine some awesome things are gonna pop up. BTW, to anyone who wants to take boarding action remake, glitch out of the map, there are huge areas of blank space with no death barriers. I've never been able to glitch out of it but i downloaded an entire map outside of it. PS: I'm a huge fan of boarding action, if anyone wants me to beta test it and comment. Recomment me the map at xmat123x.
Something else just struck me about it as well. Have you ever seen a ladder in Halo 3? Closest thing I can find is the crooked bridges on Helm's Deep, but that won't work for Boarding Action...
Cause I'm bored and I don't feel like finishing the 2-3 projects that I have in the works I think I'll make a beastly Longest remake.
Update on the boarding action remake. In addition to the lack of ladders or functioning equivalents in Halo 3, I'm also surprisingly limited by the amount of space in the realm outside the elastic barriers of Blackout. Printing off an image of Boarding Action showed it for just how truly enormous it was, and when I got into Forge, I quickly realized that there is very little that can be done to make it work...
Project Z is an asymmetrical map, that plays great symmetrically. I believe we have completed challenge 1 good sir. o/
I played on Elongation v3, and there were bits I liked about it, and bits I didn't like about it. Likes: -Captures the scale very well -Good usage of items to try to recreate the actual map -Good blocking Dislikes: -Lack of interlocking on the "floors" made out of boxes -Aesthetically, not so nice looking. -I didn't like the spawns If you can fix those, it will be the hands down winner. It just needs that little bit of polish.
Well, they are all legit. The spawns I asked help on but seeing as no one answered, I had to go with my inexperianced ways. The floor I can fix no prob, but when you cant put down a single item, due to graphical limits on map, it is kinda hard to make the map look good asthetically. To put down the boxesa, I had to cut out so much stuff, you wouldn't even beleive. I'll get rid of the spawns (all of them in every gametype) and if I can have your assistance, redo them all. I can easily fix the non interlocked box "floors". That had been nagging me for a bit as well when I found out you can do that. I might as well fix the center bridges and make them level with the double box.
Is this still going on? I might have two that might work for Asym, Prey and Light3n. I only set up Light3n for slayer, but I'm pretty sure it would play well with CTF too. I'll try making a boarding action one on Blackout too if this is still going on. I just don't have H1 and I can't remember if there's a way to get to the other teams side or if you only keep teleporting on your own side.