Welcome to Forge Hubs ninth SOTW, bought to you by your beloved Mallet. For the clueless among us, Sig Of The Week is a weekly competition in which members submit their best signature and the community vote which is the best. Congratulations to the winner of last weeks SOTW, Mallet. Yay. My signature will now be displayed in the banner above for the following weeks. Check the Winners Gallery to see the winning sigs from previous weeks. This is how the contest works: Each week you will have between Monday and Thursday to submit your signature. These will then be put onto a public voting poll between Friday and Sunday. The winner will then be announced on the following Monday. Each week there will be a theme signatures must follow; these will also be announced on Mondays. If a signature does not meet the theme it won't appear on the voting thread, so pay attention. So what are the prizes? Well, not a lot lol. The winning signature will replace one of the images in the letters of the banner above, you can wear a userbar like the one below, and you may possibly see your work mentioned in some of the front page updates. The most important prize however is the joy of competing with your fellow hubbers and that warm damp feeling of crushing them in victory, I'm sure you'll agree. This weeks theme is: Military Requires no explanation. Signatures must focus on the military. Planes, tanks, soldiers, guns and the like. Using any time period is fine. Rules: Entrants may only submit a signature made by themselves. Signatures must follow all forum rules. This includes those against nudity and pornography. Signatures may not be larger than 500 x 200 pixels. Vertical signatures are allowed and are exempt from the size rule above Signatures which are ripped or are cropped from the artwork of others will be disqualified. You may edit or change your entry any time before the voting thread is posted. Use this thread to discuss the SOTW and post your entries. If you do not wish to reveal your signature to the public before voting you can PM me your entry. This competition is for you, the community, so feel free to make any suggestions for the following weeks. So support FHs efforts to make the site more engaging and get making sum leet gfx doodz
w00t. Military hey? This will be tough. *reserved* I'll still make a new post for my sig though, so it's seen, but I'll load it up here too.
*Reserved* And to the person who asked if they could use their COD4 sig, I would think no, cause it was made by someone else, right?
It has to be your own artwork. please read the rules above. and i would assume milliary to be past the 20th centurty or so correct? you couldnt do older militaries?
First post says that you can use any time period. So anything that is Organized military is fair game, I suppose.
I don't think people should be able to use COD/halo, because then it would be the "gaming" theme all over again.
*reserved also* I have innovated idea that I hope you all will enjoy. EDIT: Here's my entry, you guys like?
This is mine. It is a world war one themed signature. I used a picture of two trenched soldiers as the background and the foreground is WW1 spelled with pictures of world war one posters and photographs from America, Britain, and Germany.