Ok, when I plug in my Ipod to my 360, it wont let me play the songs, even though I already downloaded the "software" my box said was needed. Any suggestions?
It won't work for songs from the iTunes music store. Also, what kind of iPod? there have been some compatibility issues on the new ones.
It might be the whole itunes thing, not sure, but my ipod is a 2nd gen, so i dont know....thanks for the reply.
How do they suck? the new 2.0 firmware makes it just as good as an ipod (with a couple added features like wireless syncing and radio) and you can get 30GB ones for $150
Microsoft is facist. Facist make good products. My first generation iPod Mini doesn't work. Then again, I never did download any software, updates, or drivers.
Couldn't have said it any better. Vista blows too, just for the record. I haven't experienced any problems with my 30gb iPod Video. But my old click-wheel has some difficulty.
been through 4 ipods since they first came out, and none have had issues that ended up in me paying money. I have sent them back twice, way before they had good updates to download, and both times it was replaces free of charge.
Have you really? Cuz my 2nd gen ipod keeps dying right as i turn it on, even with a full charge, so do you think i could get that fixed even though I no longer have warranty on it?
probobly the battery is gone...i think apple will replace it for a small charge, i think, even if u dont have the warranty