What would you like in the next Halo game?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Willmatic, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im going to start off with something different: The case comes with 2 Disks
    1. Campaign
    2. Multi Player
    because the list of suggestions for multiplayer is going to be huge:

    Armor: List of GREAT armor configs and perms

    1. A city based map - maybe a long stretch of a street or

    • District
    • Headlong
    • Terminal (Cant find a good vid) or something in that spirit
    • Inside a skyscraper (Kinda like ivory tower but maybe a different layout
    • a Airport
    2. A map involving a large amount of water - Above or under
    3. A map in space - indoors/outdoors/both BTB
    4. If we still have forge - Ah hell you all know what we want.


    • While driver of a hog or mongoose, able to fire gun but you keep driving at full speed and cannot steer. For vehicles that have the driver not firing a weapon.
    • Switch seats -Left/right bumper for each seat in order of priority
      that goes 1. Driver 2. Gunner 3. Passenger

    • Heavy AV Hog ( 2 Person hog that goes half speed, driver pushes right trigger, the cannon on the back emerges and driver is stationary and in first person with 5-10x scope)
    • Shortsword - Banshee but UNSC version, can only drop explosives. Can also hold 2 passenger like the hornet
    • Boat - What do i need to explain???

    • Scarab PLZ
    • Shadow (Halo 2 Elephant)
    • Jetpack (From Halo 2, Weapons are dual plasma Rifles, mainly used to get around)
    • AA Wraith (Not too over powered, the projectiles are like half the speed of a rocket)
    • Reaper - A jelly fish like vehicles that can hover though the air, fires like a spectre turret. Can go invisable but when it does its tops speed is slow but makes it undetectable on radar



    • Knife (50% stronger than melee)
    • Harpoon gun (You know you want it to make people stick to walls)
    • Gravity gun (Little damage - BIG kick)
    • A gun with good damage but is 1 shot (Rifle mounted halo CE pistol?)
    • Scilent SMGS
    • Longer range Automatic rifle (Power of br bullets?)
    • Spray can (Make perty pictures! or arrows)
    • Pike - Honor Guard weapon - Melee button to attack instead and right trigger to block other melee's

    • Stronger Plasma rifle (It being a rifle)
    • Plasma grenade launcher (O_O)
    • Dark Matter Ray - Covenant's Splaser - Firest a beam for 3 seconds that is 1 hit kill to infantry (Full Beam for vehicles likes hogs - 2 for tanks) and 5 second to charge
    • Shade in forge
    1. Charectors:

    • Spartans
    • Elites
    • Brutes
    • Sentinals with bodies
    2. Abilities:

    • Feign Death - Sheilds are depleted ( so the armor will keep flashing ) and you fall down and get up by shooting or pushing the feign death button
    • Wall Jump - Run to a wall, push the jump button, jump again (Easier if your using bumper jumper)
    Custom Game Options:

    • Force Armor Permutation ( Or Turn into flood Combat ) Sentinals may differ
    • Enable fall damage
    • Ability to be able to choose any (cant choose carbines or SB's) starting weapon
    Game types:
    1. Race

    • FFA or team
    • Traits per position
    • Spawn in Vehicle yes or no?
    • Spawn near area of death Yes or no?
    2. Soccer

    • Set goals
    • Set object ( Soccer ball, barrel, mongoose, ect)
    Cant think of any more now

    So what do you guys think? What do you want in the next game?
    #1 Willmatic, Aug 1, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  2. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    But if multiplayer and campaign were on 2 separate disks, then lazy bums like myself would be too lazy to switch games and be stuck on campaign forever. Plus it would be annoying to have to switch disks every time you play online co-op.
  3. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    No but seriously, they need nukes and the Hammer of Dawn.

    In matchmaking.
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your right about a bigger explosion though but nothing that can take up the enitre map maybe elephant sized would be deadly.

    I think i forgot vehicles but i'll think of something
  5. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    *People to hold and use these guns and vehicles
    *Areas for these people to use these guns and vehicles
    *Ability to edit these areas
    *Ability to put these edited areas on a Web 2.0 forum
    *Complex Storyline
    *AI that aren't dumb
    *Moar newd ladeez
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    A survival mode which had 10,000 votes for it but Wasn't included in Halo 3! It was based on the idea that you fight allong side 4 of your friends fighting off wave appon wave of enemies of your choice and you could choose your weapons and other equiptment as you fought. Then you would fight as many enemies as you wanted until you or your whole team died.
  7. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would like a better forge ..
    More items and a 90 degree switch to make walls straight ..
    Thats all really and new weapons and maps would be good too =]
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    • Some sort of Cover system, not exactly like in Gears.
      People run head-on too much in battles.
      Not saying it's a bad thing, but having a cover system would make it way more tactical.
    • A bigger variety of weapons to choose from
    • Customizable weapons
    • A better ranking system
    • A faster vehicle, like in mah sig. lol. Doubt it.
    • AI that we can fill in for Custom games, like, remember Perfect DArk for the N64. They had those fill-in-drones.

    That's about all I can think for now.
    I'll be back to post more later.
  9. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd like a story that doesn't suck, graphics that are good, a campaign that isn't embarrassingly silly, and on the PC (like it was originally intended).
    Actually, I still wouldn't play it... but oh well.
  10. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Halo was originally for the mac, but then microsoft made their first good decision and bought bungie. That was their only good decision, that I can remember.
  11. youngian

    youngian Guest

    for halo 4 forge there should be a ability to forge enemies that actually fight back(not like the cloned ai)
  12. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    More fun.

    But srsly, we need a map creator. It would blow away every other game out there. It would also show lots of potential creativity.
  13. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Meh, whats the difference nowadays.
    I should've said:

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