The simple idea for this map is that there is a bridge, and underneath it is a troll. The humans on top of the bridge get points for not dying or falling off the bridge by staying in the hill. The troll gets points for killing people. The people can't do damage other than by assassination but they can push each other off with the grav hammer. The bridge troll gets custom powerups so he can shoot the people trolling on his bridge. Credit to lordguy for the idea map gametype pics: overview of the bridge underneath the bridge Warning: does not work well with large parties best for parties of 4-6
Whats keeping the humans from not just leaving the bridge?. You should make this an king of the hill game where the humans have to cross or stay on the bridge the longest. I also think you should add side walls to keep the humans on the bridge.
Looks pretty cool, and original, i havent seen anything like this before, but i think it would be hard for the troll to kill people with only shooting, maybe brute shots up top and a grav hammer below so he can bust them off
Looks good . How does the troll kill the people if its stuck in that tunnel thing? Looks pretty good though .. and great idea ..
To address some of the people with questions, the bridge troll is on instant kill, and has a grav hammer if he so wishes to push people of even though it is effectively robbing him of kill points. You shoot up through the fence walls. Brute shots don't work because only bullets go through the fence walls. If there are 2 trolls then they will try to kill each other robbing them both of precious points, and if they work together then they have to split the points and ultimately lose in the end. A wider bridge definitely would work though but this is too simple of an idea to make a v2.
looks cool but very hard . im not sure why theres custom powerups but hey what ever floats your boat!
sounds fun but couldnt you just jump off and be the last man or did u take off the walls for pics EDIT: nevermind i just reread and saw that you could push people offthe bridge
dude thats really different it looks great im going to go try it out with my friends i give this map a 8/10
It sound pretty cool, but I think you should add some more aesthetics. Also, I would close the rest of the map so that the people can still fall off, but they can't escape. That would be really lame.