NFL Discussion/FH Fantasy Football

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Aug 3, 2008.


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    So the 2008 NFL Football season is just a mere few weeks away. I personally am very excited. I lived for playing football every year from about 4th grade through my senior year in HS, and now I live vicariously through my 2 favorite teams: the San Diego Super Chargers and the Dallas Cowboys. These two are also my picks for the Superbowl contenders this year, with San Diego taking it all in the end.

    This thread is two fold:
    The first purpose is to get some general chat about NFL and brew some excitement about the upcoming season.

    The 2nd purpose is for me to weed out the true football fans here at ForgeHub for an undisclosed reason that I will reveal in perhaps a week or so.

    Im posting this in General Chat in an attempt to avoid to much spam, so please behave. So have at it! Discuss your favorite teams, your favorite players, the Brett Favre saga, potential trades, Free Agents, upcoming big games, scandals, whatever you wish (as long as its NFL related).
    #1 LIGHTSOUT225, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
    AqueousBeaver and TXGhost like this.
  2. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    How bout them cowboys? damn im pumped, not only for NFL but for my hgih school season. 2-a-days tommorow!

    America's Team could definately beat the team made up of my favorite college's star (LT is amazing...).

    And WTF is up with favre?
    He wants to play, GB wants to pay to keep him
    Its obviously cause somebody else is offering him ALOT but packers gotta release him first....
    #2 stouf761, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2008
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Da Bears! We need a new quarterback though...
  4. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    The Indianapolis Colts. Peyton Manning is out for a little while due to knee surgery, but once he's back, we'll take it all the way.

    BTW, they're playing a game against the Redskins tonight. It comes on at 8:00 Eastern, 7:00 Central time.
    #4 Wraith, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2008
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    What do you guys think of the Lions, potentially get into playoffs finally? I think with a balanced offense between running, and with a Calvin Johnson who apparently can now catch at a far higher percentage, they might have a potential run for it. However, if anyone important gets injured, their screwed, especially if its Kitna or Johnson.
    ^^ THAT is what calvin johnson can do
    AqueousBeaver likes this.
  6. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Hey spartan my high school coach is peyton manning's old high school coach. He was in louisiana but now hes in fort worth Texas.
  7. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Wow stouf, never knew that, thanks 4 telling me. Now I know more stuff about the Colts.
    #7 Wraith, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2008

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    I grew up in Dallas, lived there til i was 13. So Ill always love Da Boys. But my new love is Da Bolts. Ive loved the Chargers ever since I moved out here, and Ill love them til the end of time.

    BTW, Commissioner Gooddell Reinstated Favre to the NFL today officially, and the Packers announced that there will be an OPEN COMPETITION for QB this season. Im really happy he passed up the $20 million offer from the Packers to stay retired so he could play again.

    Insane, as far as the Lions go, they did alright last year, and are definitely on the rise again. However, I have severe doubts that they'll make the playoffs this year. They are in one of the toughest divisions in the NFC this year. The Packers will make the playoffs again, so the only chance the Lions will have will be the Wild Card. Which will probably go to an NFC East team (probably the Giants or Eagles. Then the other spot Id have to put my money on either the Bears or the Vikings (carried by Adrian Peterson).
  9. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    w00t! go dallas cowboys! they have really nice players and they are a good team
    stouf761 likes this.
  10. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    I love the cowboys cuz im born and raised in Fort Worth (ITS BETTER THAN DALLAS) and will be a texan and a cowboy fan for my life (and ive heard i do have that accent :))
  11. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    The Detroit Lions. With the loss of Mike Martz and the drafting of Kevin Smith, a running back who lead the nation in 2007 in rushing yards, the Lions should have a viable running game, allowing the focus to be taken away from their two dominant receivers, Roy Williams and Calvin Johnson. I expect them to go far if their defense improves, their major weakness being their secondary, but hopefully Marinelli manages to fix that.
    AqueousBeaver likes this.
  12. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Pittsburgh is the best team ever. I hope they do well this year. I hate the patriots so much because they are cheaters. I don't like the colts too much either but I am glad the giants beat the patriots. w00t! But still go STEEEELRs
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

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    While I may not be a Steelers fan, we can definitely agree on this. I HATE the patriots. Bill BelliCHEAT can suck a fatty.
  14. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Lol i thought you ment Soccer .. =]
    Well im welsh so i don't NFL but i always do when it comes on sky sports now and again ;)
  15. SPOC

    SPOC Ancient
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    Loyal Colts fan right here!

    I'm excited to play in a new stadium this year, I can't wait for the season to begin.
  16. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    You guys probably have no idea how different your football is to Australia's.
    Ours is called the AFL, Australian Football league.
    I havent seen much NFL but its so much different to what us Aussies think of when we hear the word football.
    AqueousBeaver likes this.
  17. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    You all hate the Patriots? What's up with that!?!?!? LOL.

    The fact is that every team does or has done what the Patriots did,and they only got caught because a guy (Eric Mangina as I like to call him) ratted out the team he used to coordinate for. You think Mangina didn't cheat himself in the past? He was with the Pats in some capacity for years before going to the Jets.

    To the Steelers fan who hates the Pats because they cheat, umm hello? As I recall, your 2nd most famous coach ever (Cowher) admitted to having people in the stands stealing signs for years! There is no rule against filming signs, just against filming signs from the sidelines, and that's how the Pats slipped up. Why else do you think they got off so easy? Because everyone else in the NFL especially the commish knows everyone does it. No biggie.
    The media just makes a huge deal out of it because it's the Patriots.

    Did you hate the Patriots when the were huge underdogs to the Rams and pulled out a win right after 9/11? I doubt it. Because it was a feel good story and everyone loves when the underdog wins. But now that they are a dynasty and were 1 bullshit catch away from winning a 4th title in 6 years, everyone hates them. Which really just means you hate a winner.
    But who doesn't? That's why everyone hates the Yankees, that's why everyone hates the Pats. But you gotta respect a winner.
    Besides, cheating didn't get the Patriots to where they are. Hard work, disipline, team work, respect, and sheer talent did. I mean, you can't cheat your way to a 16-0 season amid accusations of cheating, right?

    Anyways, It's time to put the cheating saga to rest. And naturally I am pumped for this season since the Pats have as much of a chance as anybody to go back to the Super Bowl once again. Although I predict it will be a tough road that will likely go through Indy and San Diego.

    Oh and I got dibs on Tom Brady in my fantasy league because Brady to Moss = win.

    P.S. Brett Favre should just go away. When your team offers you 20 million NOT to play, there is something wrong. If there is one thing that depresses me it's an athlete that can't let go. Give Rodgers a chance man, sheesh.
    #17 Creeping Death, Aug 4, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  18. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Totally offtopic, but...

  19. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Lol, pass the ball like a volley ball serve, bounce it like a basketball every third step. goals modified from Soccer, The Reff and field taken from Cricket. And the ball from Rugby.

    Sounds like a game you drunken aussies would think up doesn't it.
  20. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    The skins getting JT seriously strengthened our D. And now I have to hate Lights for being a Cowboys fan ;)

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