Hello Fellow ForgeHubbers! Today I'll be showing you one of the best parts of Death Path! Part 4! More Interlocking, More Hidden Traps, New Gameplay, New Obstacles, And a new ending! If you haven't seen the other death paths check them out! This Part Of Death Path I Assure you will be Really Fun! (Could of posted more pics but i couldn't ;/ not really good at pics) Death Path Video! YouTube - Halo 3 Forged Infection Map- Death Path Part 4 IF YOU DOWNLOADED MAP AT THE FIRST DAY IT WAS RELEASED PLEASE DOWNLOAD AGAIN. THERE WAS A BUG IN THE GAME Creators: RisingRemains & Akira95 & BoboSnypzU Human Spawns/Zombie Spawns Humans Get 60 Second Head Start. Zombies have 3x overshield. Take Down That Grav Lift Under The Wire Spools To Get Through. Teleporter In The Picture Is Blocked Until Unblocked when reached to end, more info will be placed at the end picture. Looks Like There's Going To Be A Trap There, Make Sure You Crouch Or Your In For A Suprise! Oh Crap A Barrier Make Sure You Take That Down To Get Through (There's a pretty camo and a rocket behind the barrier!) I Wanttzzz The Rocket!! *Picks Up Camo* pwn3d. Make sure you watch out for that camo or your going to get splattered lol. Aww crap another barrier shoot it down! After you take down that barrier there'll be a fuel rod behind the crate, and a delicious camo just waitin to be grabbed xD. Hmm I See The Guardians Dont Want Us To Go Through Cause Theres So Many BARRIERS!! Knock them down. When Knocked Down You'll Come Across The Clustered Cave. There Are 3 Caves You Have To Go Through. Hidden Beam Rifle. Cave Numba 2 xD. Hidden Plasma Pistol (The Pistol Can Take Down ALL 3 Shields The Zombie Has. When You Get Accross Cave Numa 1, 2, & 3 You'll Come Across A Flipp'n Fly'n Crate'n. Holly Blam! A Custom Power Up! A Sentinel Beam! And a BR! Wonder What happens if you pick up the custom power up eh? While You Go Through You Find Some Frek'n Barriers Knock Them Down! Going Through You'll Find 4 More Barriers To Go Through! (Picture shows 2, but there's 2 more) A Hidden Gravity Hammer, And a custom power up! Pick up that damn power up [x. Going Through The Pallet Cave You'll Find A Hidden Needler! Oh Crap A Wall Of Crates, The Guardians Who Made This Really Didn't Want Anyone To Go Through Here. (Use Your Gravity Hammer You Picked Up Earlier To Get Through, Reason Why Is Cause The Area, Is Small And Shooting With Brute Shots Could Cause Suicide lolololol) When You Go Through You'll Find TWO walls Of Barriers, The Guardians Really Dont Want You To Go Through.. (Picture not tooken because of stupid forge hubs 20 picture limit ) But When Knocked Down You'll Find One Of The Hardest Barriers To Knock Down Looks Easy But It's Not . Underneath it is a teleporter, cause the teleporter from the beginning to be unblocked. Once you go through teleporter You'll get teleported either one of the three teleporters there (There's three portals now to avoid tele camping) After barrier has been knocked down your done! Now Here Are The Last Resort Areas We Made We Even Changed It Up! This Is The Guardian Of Barriers, Trying to block you off from places to go through, and here you can take his wealth! What You'll Find Here Are.. 2x Fuel Rods (1 hidden fuel rod) 2x Spartan Lasers (1 hidden Laser) 2x Rocket Launchers (1 hidden Rocker) 2x Sniper Rifles 2x Beam Rifles 8x Plasma Grenades 2x Firebomb Grenades 2x Tripmines 1x Shotgun (Hidden) 1x Overshield (Hidden) This is the Guardian Of The Dumpsters, Trying to kill you with the flying dumpsters, here you can take all his wealth. In here you'll find: 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Gravity Hammer 1x Carbine 1x Spartan Laser 1x Deployable Cover 2x Firebomb Grenade 1x Needler 2x Overshields (1 Hidden) 1x Camo 1x Br 1x Sentinel Beam 1x Fuel Rod 1x Shotgun Download Map Variant Death Path Pt.4 Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing Download Game Variant Journey Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
I liked all of the other DPs and so did my friends, so I hope this one is just as fun. I like all the new traps and layout. Maybe sometime I could play a game with you. Keep up the good DP maps....*gets hit by a dumpster* EDIT: My GT hmmm.... Fluffy Pie
Sure fluffy pie, add me, just make sure you give me your gt. I accidently post this to early, i accidently hit enter and it got released so sorry >.> .. Oh and akira your pics didnt work!
wow my friend told me he made this! what a lier i'll beat him up for you but this map is really fun to play even though haven't got to the end.
Great Screenshots Akira! I'm not really good at taking screenshots of our map, so here is some shots akira took of it.
I'm sorry. I don't really get it. Is it just a big path that the zombies take to get to the human? Or does the human take it? And then it stays the same? I am confused. Just PM me with the answers. Thanks.
took wicked long fr the pics to load fr me but looks like a great to play sum infection on (especially judgin by those awsum screenshots u took!)
I have no clue what is going on here. Can somebody describe the map and it's mechanics? Looks cool, I just do not understand.
i like it but it isn't as good a saw V the real starter of this stuff and also i would take some of those weapons out you have way to many power weapons in the map
I've always been thinking of making a map like this but I never get started . Well I guess I don't have to try anymore . This is completely awesome. It's like Omega Journey but with traps and extra stuff. That means extra fun! I will download this right away! 5/5
The map looks great! I havent seen the last 3 but this looks great so i'll download when i get home! Great idea and good job! =]
There was recently a bug in the game, the bug was fixed but, make sure if you downloaded this map, PLEASE download it again. Reason why is i fixed it.
Exactly what Rising said, If you downloaded the map on the FIRST day please redownload it again, because there was a glitch recently but now it's fixed.
I think these are probably the best of the omega style maps, but you could have been more creative with the traps, there are only really two kinds, both of which are mancannon/power-up based. Spend some time in forge thinking of how you could make better traps, I'm sure an Idea will come to you eventually.
Ofcourse, I'm thinking of more ways for traps, more parts coming! And our Death Path Pt.4 VIDEO YouTube - Halo 3 Forged Infection Map- Death Path Part 4