If your interested in helping me beat campaign on legendary- meta games or point achievements also post here i need help=_).
This sub-forum is meant for Gaming Discussion, not Halo Discussion. I would help you but I already have all of the campaign stuff and it has gotten somewhat boring now.
No, the Halo forum is a sub-forum of a sub-forum. The Gaming discussion is a sub-forum of the actual forum. xD
Something I just realised, I couldn't play the level "The Ark" because of a ring scratch on my disk from my Xbox falling.
Hey I would be glad to help. I need those achievements. Just hit me up with a game invite 2morrow or Wednesday. GT: HomieG54
FINSIH IT YOURSELF NUBCAKE! I jest i jest I'd help but ive got it all done and frankly if i ever see cortana on legendary again it'll be too soon ;3
Isnt the campaign easy? Dont you have any friends to help you out? I have like 5 and i had to do it with each of them!