Omicron v1.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Entropy NZ, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. Entropy NZ

    Entropy NZ Ancient
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    This improved version of the first map has taken into account everything that has been said in the topic for the previous one.

    Changed Features:

    • Double Hight walls stop grenade jumping
    • More cover has been added to the map
    • Mauler has been relpaced with a Brute Shot
    • Alternate methods of reaching the catwalk have been added
    There have been a number of other minor changes as well, but none that are important enough to list.

    Map Name: Omicron
    Supported Gametypes: FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, King of the Hill, All of the previous gametypes in MLG style play.
    Map Size: Small
    Map Base: Foundry
    Weapons on Map:

    Weapon/Spare Clips/Respawn/# (All weapons MLG standard)

    Battle Rifle/2/30/6
    Plasma Rifle/*/60/2
    Plasma Pistol/*/120/1
    Sniper Rifle/0/120/1

    Grenades are on 30 second Spawns

    Other Notes: Map took around 20 hours total planning and 3 versions (Omicron v1 was the second version, first was not interlocked).

    Map has been extensivly interlocked, though skill features no geomerging (was going to do some... but ran out of walls...)

    While having an MLG style design, the map was not built for MLG play (though it works well for it). It's really too small for a 4v4.

    Mid-range playstyles are favoured on the map, having a good BR helps a lot, and a decent sniper will have a field day, even with the 4 round clip.

    Plasma Pistol-BR combs work well on the map, and all three power weapons are designed to be used in conjunction with a partner in Team Doubles.

    Map Designers: Entropy NZ, Ellipsis NZ


    Blue Base


    Red Base

    Sniper Spawn

    Download Here

    Again, Comments are very welcome, anything that can be improved, please say.

    EDIT: Gap above bases has been fixed. There is now no easy way to leave the map, though with a little imagination, I'm sure it can be done >.<.

    EDIT2: v1.11 was an older version of the map that I accadently uploaded. v1.2 is now up *sigh* this one is actually fixed properly.
    #1 Entropy NZ, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  2. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    It's definitely a beautiful map, but it's still escapeable. if you use a brute shot to brute shot jump from just beneath the overshiled in this picture


    you will easily just walk out of the map. just place a box or a pair of walls to prevent you from doing so. or sawap the brute shot for something, both would work.
  3. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i agree with ivory snak3 but it is a very nice map and also ivory when ever do you post on these parts i normally see you in the featured maps or other threads
  4. Entropy NZ

    Entropy NZ Ancient
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    Wow, I can't believe I didn't think of Brute-Shot jumping when i put that in...

    Even so, the jump over the OS/Camo at the bases is more difficult than it looks, it's hard to make with a grenade, as the OS overhangs over the 2nd floor. Add to that the the bases are visable from almost anywhere on the map, and that you'd likely be picked off while on low shields, and i don't think it's too much of a problem. Will be fixed though... Thanks.
  5. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    I am, shall we say, broadening my horizons, as it were.

    and I know how annoying it is to have people break your map, don't worry about it too much though.
  6. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I'm glad that you incorporated the more cover idea into your map. I hope it improves gameplay. As for escaping the map, don't worry about it too much. Its only a 10-15 minute job but it will stop cheating in the map. Yet again, I think it's a great Team doubles map and we will have a lot of fun playing on it.
  7. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    *gasps* is it true might he have listened to me when i commented on his first map?! I said " good job but it seems a littl open" could he have added more cover just for me *wells up in tears*4/5 for escape hazard
  8. Magekid211

    Magekid211 Ancient
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    The structures are smooth,almost no bumps.I won't say anything about if you can escape the map or not.It's only just another honour rule.Anyway back to the map. Good for Team KOTH if the hill is at sniper with two players on each side.But, I do enjoy a nice game of Team doubles on it.5/5.
  9. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    If you put a corner wall above the overshield to match up perfectly with the wall, it might be inescapable, or just put grav lifts or cannon mans up there so it shoots them right back in the map. This looks great otherwise, 5/5.
  10. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    very nice V2! Love the interlocked power-ups and i love the more cover feel to it. VERY nice map. 5/5
  11. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Finally some one actually listened to the posts, not just sending me bad feedback for constructive critisism, liek snake said you can still get out of map, but i think your gonna fix that to. Its a real nice map to looks at, and seems like it would be fun to play on. more cover helps gameplay, i love it. 5/5
  12. KB

    KB Ancient
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    man! That first pic makes it look like my upcoming map! Great work! I love my upcoming map so I love this! Great work!
  13. Albino Dave

    Albino Dave Ancient
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    This looks like a nice interlocked level. Is it symmetrical? Either way, I'll download it. Good job.
  14. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    great map and the center looks very balanced. however the plasma rifle smg and brute shot are not mlg standard weapons gud sir :-/
  15. Entropy NZ

    Entropy NZ Ancient
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    Ok, v1.11 is up now, I've fixed the gap above the bases, there's just a bridge at the back now that prevents leaving the map. You can't jump over the bridge on either side as the overhang from the roof of of foundry prevent it. Aside from that, nothing has changed.

    Note that it's still possible to get out, but it's not easy, and I don't have the objects left to prevent it, so it's going to stay like that, at least for now. Shouldn't cause any problems though, it's not possible to get more than one person out every 2 mins.

    Anyway, Enjoy, and unless this needs any more fixes (don't hesitate to tell me) then i'll think of an idea for a new map.

    Side Note: I'm aware that PR/BS/SMG aren't MLG standard weapons, but it's not an MLG map, despite it's layout and style, and the weapons are designed to assist a doubles partner as much as their there for their own good. (And the SMGs are lethal at close range..)
    #15 Entropy NZ, Aug 4, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  16. Ellipsis NZ

    Ellipsis NZ Ancient
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    Entropy you really should call it 1.2 not 1.11
  17. Entropy NZ

    Entropy NZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, v1.11 was an older version. changed download link to v1.2. This one works, bridges and all.
  18. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    i like the middle structure its sorta simple but could be a fun map but i will not dl because people can escape from it making the game not fun =(
  19. youngian

    youngian Guest

    this is a excellent map but you can probably get out of it fairly easily
  20. Ellipsis NZ

    Ellipsis NZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You can get out of it, with 2x grenade jumps a brute shot jump. But in a game it is not practacle because you will get picked off to easily before you make it out

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