I do for the bad weapon placement, as I stated before. Unless that's changed since I downloaded, which I don't think it has. Though, checking what I said before, I did forget to check for symmetry option usage, so if that's the case I sincerely apologize.
and i flatout told you thats what is it. you cant just go rating maps horribly because you didnt bother to check things like that.
great job blaze, this deserves it for sure. i am simply amazed by the aesthetics of this map, and i still enjoy your work. great job and congrats on the feature
This map is very well constructed, but I gotta say, not that fun to play on. *let the flaming begin* Me and a few of my buddies played in it and they were (in a completely non-biased way) not very impressed, and told me that my maps keep getting worse. I had to inform them that it's not my map (I didn't mention beforehand where I got it, I just loaded it up and started playing) It looks like it took a lot of time and effort, and it is very well constructed as I've said, but not a whole lot of fun for casual run-around-and-shoot-each-other gaming.
I agree I haven't gotten to play it yet but looking at it in forge the weapon placement needs a little work and the invis is auto respawn that is also a problem. Another thing I saw the starting points in slayer confused me aton, 4 being attackers 4 beign defenders (good) 1 5th team, 2 4th team, and the rest were neutral. So other then that it looks fine I'll update my post once I play it later.
This... this is some of the best interlocking/ geomerging I've ever seen! No wonder it was featured. Great work and keep it up. 5/5
its looks good but i'll have to check it out for myself . i like the force shields used to bridge the gap between the boxes to give it a four runner look .
Looks nice, You used a lot of merging and other forging techniques. It sort of looks like a city. (Of pipes) The design is splendid, 5/5 from me!
This map has some serious issues! Its a well map made, BUT. The Active Camo spawns to frequently. I played in a game with three of my friends, 2v2 game. They camped the Active Camo too much. Getting kills againt a player whos constantly invisible isnt any fun. I ended the game and signed off my xbox. It frustrated me too much. Martyrdom V2 please?
looks good. i definitely am going to have to play this. i like the use of the shield doors on the tunnels.
nice map i wish there where more then three picks to show mor of the map but interlocking looks perfect
Nice map. I love how you made (good) use of the hallways. Also, I think this map has a unique feel because of the messy look. Plays great on Shotty Snipes.9/10 definitely deserved a feature!
The gameplay and the interlocking look good. The geomerging is also great. But the pictures really dont pull me to the map. It just looks like a normal CTF or slayer map. Sorry, but not my type of map.