007- End of Days

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Squiiddish, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    007- End of Days
    Created by Squiddish

    Supported Gametypes:
    -007 ONLY. Download gametype to have any fun with this map.
    -For those of you who want to just get to the point (or for Bond-haters), skip down to the break in the text for the DL link and a quick description of the map. What follows now is all frosting:

    Mission Briefing: from M-
    We've got a major crisis brewing in Southern Russia, Bond. Does the name Zekhaed sound familiar to you at all? He was previously one of the premier researchers of the Soviet Union back in it's former glory. He led the teams that discovered many of the breakthroughs the Soviets had near the end of World War Two, particularly in the field of weapons. He was the first to create a workable model the modern M84 flashbang grenade. He was also responsible for major advances in the field of laser technology, mostly for medical research.
    It seems, however, that Zekhaed has chosen a new path in life. He appears to have joined forces with SPECTRE. However, he still remains the shadow of the man he once was. He is still largely independent. We need to take care of him before that changes. With the full force of SPECTRE behind him, we'd be almost powerless to stop him.
    Unfortunately, Zekhaed has converted his former research facility into a munitions factory. He intends to form a PMC and arm them with the most advanced weaponry imaginable. We can't go directly in to stop him for two reasons: He has control of nuclear weapons and his research into lasers has had some recent developments.
    An American Air Force recon flight over the installation recently revealed Zekhaed's possession of nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, the flight was lost, and the mission unsuccessful but for that one discovery. Bond, we're dealing with an unknown type of laser weapon here. Zekhaed appears to have developed a network of air and land defense systems comprised entirely of laser weaponry: It is all computer controlled and automatic. As long as that system stands, no military force can take the installation.
    Fortunately, we were able to use a live satellite linkup to the Air Force recon unit to gain some valuable pictures of the installation. Study them well, Bond. It means your life if you don't.
    This is an overview of the installation. The only plausible point for insertion is off the bottom-left corner of the shot, behind that ridge. From here you can see the silos and the majority of Zekhaed's new factory, as well as Launch Control.
    This appears to be Zekhaed's laser defense grid. You have two primary objectives on this mission, Bond: the most important of which is to disable this grid. Above all else, take care of this first. There's no way you would be able to remain in the installation long enough to manually disable all these dishes and cannons individually, but we have located a means to disable them all at once:
    This appears to be the generator that powers all the laser mechanisms in the facility. However, don't think you can just walk in and turn it off, Bond. I don't want your usual bravado here. Just follow your mission and above all else, keep a low profile. You'll need to disable the security systems before you can touch this generator. Unfortunately, the security mainframe is located within Launch Control. That whole building is under complete lockdown until Zekhaed gives the order.
    But he's made one critical error, Bond. The munitions plant across the facility is still operational. Get in there and try to find something you can use to blast your way into Launch Control.
    Your second objective is to abort this missle. It appears that Zekhaed has already armed one of his nukes. Perhaps it is just a show of force, but we cannot risk it. Bond, we need you to take out that missle, or tomorrow could be the end of days.
    All business, Bond. None of your usual antics on this one.

    Gear up: Equipment from Q-
    Well look who it is, secret agent... Don't touch that! I daresay, one of these days your going to hurt somebody, Bond! Now, pay attention. I've been working on some new equipment for you to use out in the field. First off, I have a new suit for you. This is no ordinary tuxedo, no my friend. What we have hear is the SPTN-117 field armor. This suit is threaded with a wide variety of alloyed microfilament, from simple kevlar to titanium. What that means is that this suit can eat bullets like you eat our funding. In addition to this, I've thrown in a new discovery of mine, fiber-refractors. They catch the incoming light from all directions and reflect it all around the suit, absorbing what comes in from the other side and passing it through several layers of... are you even listening, Bond? Fine, I'll make this so even you can understand: You wear this, you'll be all but invincible, and practically invisible. That doesn't mean you can run in guns blazing, Bond. All things have a limit, and this suit is no exception. If it take too much punishment it WILL break, and I would highly prefer you didn't do that to my new creation.
    In addition, I've acquired some high-pressure pneumatic force boots and a deployable "Field Shield". At the push of a button, these boots will allow you to launch high into the air, out of harm's way. If that fails, the Field Shield can be dropped anywhere to provide instant shelter in a tight spot. If you're paying attention, you shouldn't have to use either, but we all know that never happens, does it, Bond?
    That's all I have for you. Good luck... and do try not to break anything.

    In short: the gametype is one-sided VIP. Have your entire party (sans Bond) on the red team, and make whoever wants to be Bond blue. Blue will USUALLY be put on defense (making Bond the VIP, as it should be), but occasionally you may start the game to find red on defense. If this happens, just exit and relaunch the game.
    For Bond to win, he must reach 3 VIP destinations, representing critical points on his mission. If Bond gets to the third destination, he aborts the nukes and wins.
    The red team represents Zekhaed's henchmen. They have one goal and one goal only: Kill Bond, at all costs. They have advantage in numbers, as well as knowing in advance where Bond HAS to go. Plan on a lot of ambushing: it's your only route to victory. Use cover and let the bullets fly.
    The map is scattered with weapons for use by both Bond and the henchmen. Anyone can grab the guns, but beware: is Bond gets it, it has infinite ammo. Here is a complete weapon list:

    RC-P90 (SMG) x 4
    US AR33 Assault Rifle (BR) x 9
    Automatic Shotgun (Shotgun) x 2
    DD44 (Magnum) x 8
    Sniper Rifle x 1
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    Prototype Handheld Laser (Spartan Laser) x 1
    Portable Energy Beam (Sentinel Beam) x 2
    Shotgun (Mauler) x 3
    Flamethrower x 1

    That means yes, you henchmen can upgrade from the KF7 Soviet (AR) that you start with, and Bond can move on from his PP7 (unfortunately not exactly silenced) and Sniper Rifle.
    A warning in advance: most of the fun in this game comes from figuring out your OWN best strategies to be (or to stop) James Bond. I realize this description didn't give a complete walkthrough to what Bond is supposed to do: it wasn't supposed to. This is intended to be at least fairly reminiscent of a mission from Goldeneye: That's why so much of the level forces Bond to move through hallways and rooms that will probably be packed with entrenched enemies. However: I will give one final set of hints to what Bond needs to do for victory
    -Head through one of the two teleporters into the factory (Look for some blue)
    -Locate the explosives
    -Shut down the security system
    -Deactivate the generator
    -Abort the nukes

    That's all for now. Figure it out on your own, develop some unbeatable strategies. As a final word: Don't be afraid to mess with the settings. If you have a large party, or a newbie Bond and experienced henchmen (or vice versa), don't be afraid to go twiddle with Bond's health or damage or the henchmen's health or damage. This mission would be completely impossible for Bond with a party of 7 or more unless you boost him a bit.

    Here be action shots!
    Our first encounter with Bond this match
    "You expect me to talk?"
    "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"
    That's gotta hurt
    Bond blasting his way into Launch Control. Unfortunately, that's not me...
    Bond basically just slays everything.
    I gave you plenty of fortifications in Launch Control for a last ditch effort to stop Bond. Our whole team was in here as we tried to keep him away from the ABORT button

    Hope you guys have fun with this map, kudos to whoever read this whole thing! Please DL and rate, I look forward to your comments.

    Download 007- End of Days
    Download 007 Gametype
    #1 Squiiddish, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  2. N1SS3 200

    N1SS3 200 Ancient
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    lol nicely done on making a bond map and i think the idea are very original so im gonna give it a 4/5 on looks and then i will come back and tell you what i thougt about it, keep up the good work
  3. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Looks Great! Nice ideas, I don't queit get it, but I'll try it out! 5/5 cus it looks good and uses great ideas!
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Holy crap, this is very thought out which makes it just that much better
    a person who knows what he is doing can make an awesome map with the right gametype and this seems pretty legit
    Squiiddish likes this.
  5. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    If anyone wants me to go into more "detail" about this map (good strategies for Bond or henchmen, weapon locations, etc), feel free to PM me and I'll help you out. But be warned: A lot of the fun is derived from finding stuff out on your own.

    Also, one more tip: In a throwback to the old Goldeneye style, there are two Bodyarmors (Custom power ups) hidden on the map that only Bond can reach. These will refill your health to full, but never respawn. Use them wisely.
  6. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    dude, holy crap amazing story i like the pic of the file, great job creative idea, could use some merging though
    Squiiddish likes this.
  7. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    If you mean interlocking, I did it whereever it seemed like it would make the map look smoother

    If you mean Geomerging, the only place that really needed it was the box Bond spawns in, and it is geomerged.

    However, thanks for the criticism, and I +rep you that actually read the story XD
    #7 Squiiddish, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2008
    headlessbarbie likes this.
  8. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    map looks pretty well made, i dont remember that purticular map from the game though, mainly that one with like the sewers undderground, and theres like secret passage ways to open up doors, anyone? anyone?

    anyway your map looks pretty good, hopefully like the actual map, i have my 64 lyring around somewhere. 4/5 bro.,
  9. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    It isn't meant to be like any actual map, it's just Goldeneye-style play. It's not related to Goldeneye's story or missions in any way
  10. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    If there was a best story for best of Forge you would win it hands down! I always wanted to do some campaign style maps/game types. If you are planing on do another and don't mined adding me to the credits, I would love to help (my gamertag is in my sig).
  11. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    great job. I like that this is also a gametype, not just a reamke or somthing. This game looks very fun. looks like a great minigame. The gametype is the best thing about this and I like that its actually like james bond. 5/5
  12. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Wow looks pretty sweet. I am clearly a big bond fan. (look at my sig =P). But where is this nuke. Also, I think it should be more stealth based because bond is a secret agent. Maybe you could make it into a game of juggernaut where bond has camo and a pistol and everyone spawns with their weapon and has to find and kill bond
  13. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Hey, some asshole 1-starred what is probably one of the most well thought out posts in recent forgehub history, so I decided to help you out a bit.

    Can't tell that much about the map, but the gametype seems great and very true to usual Bond fare. Story is phenomenal as well.

    If you can, I'd change it to the escort version of Juggernaught to eliminate having to choose a Bond first. It should work as all the same options are available for Juggernaught.
  14. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    I wanted to do that, but there was one problem: The Juggernaut is chosen AFTER the spawning phase. That means I can't set a specific spawn for Bond, which was enough of an issue that I stuck with VIP.

    Bond needs his box =P

    The game is very stealth oriented. Bond essentially has 750% health (1000% health but henchmen do 150% damage), which sounds like a lot. However, bond can be dropped REALLY fast if he gets outnumbered. Consider how many attacks do 100% (or more!) damage: Rockets, Spartan Laser, Maulers and Shotguns, melee, hell the Flamethrower can straight-up kill him from full health. He is also vulnerable to being one-shotted by assassinations.
    Bond has a nonstop poor-level camo, so he's very hard to spot. The enemies also have only default motion detectors. Bond's damage increase means his pistol can kill with two good shots to the head, and a melee is also an insta-kill.
    The only Bond who can hope to accomplish his mission here is a stealthy one

    Oh btw the nuke is in silo #3 (the one thats half open)
    #14 Squiiddish, Aug 4, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008

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