heres a elevator i made yes theres some errors but wat do you expect from a guy like me heres all of it: heres inside of it: heres the link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Welcome to Forgehub, I see you posted your map, and that's great but this isn't up to the ForgeHub standarts. You need to have a link and a brief description from what your map looks like, and stuff' like that. Also, I would recommend you consider taking more Screenshots. I also recommend using some advanced Forge techniques in the Forging 101 section. And straighten some objects out.
well seeing as ANYTHING i say Asper flames me for im just going to say AS MUCH as i can you got that Asper. -.- The Pictures are to small but from what i could see it needed interlocking and needed a better Discription.
what do you have against asper? He is a nice enough guy. He infracted me once, but hey he's a mod. What can you do? right asper? MAP: Well you have a good idea, but this is a very messy elevator. You should try to make it again possibly with interlocking and hopefully more right angles. =)
messy messy messy this is in need of some serious cleaning up and interlocking. try visiting the forging 101 section of the forum for help on how to do this
Hey this isnt really a causual map 1/5 put it in atheticle doesnt meet the standars 1/5 for post. Dont wory i know your new.
Hey there now, no need to get testy with them. The map can be cleaned up really easily. All you need to do is straighten it out. The thing is small and the mechanics look simple. Shouldn't take long. 3/5 because you are new.
its really big. might be a little to big to stick in a map. try making it a little bit smaller then i would dl it. looks a little messy to but good job on making an elevator.
this map is pretty bad, elevators are supposed to be neat, compact, and interlocked. this is none of those. its probably the worst ive ever seen. heck even my first prototype elevator was fully interlocked. oh and elevators are old now try to come up with something else but make it good at least
It's is a bit messy for an elevator and like Saint Prodigy has said, wouldn' really fit in a map. It could have less resources to make it and the box looks like it may fly up at an angle because the shaft isn't compact and square. Sorry to say but there have been better elevators which also look better. Look them up on Youtube or something like that - I'm sure that there is something like this here on Forgehub too. P.S: I wouldn't suggest calling people 'F*****s', you could get an infraction.
You got a good idea, but you should make the walls and boxes around the elevator closer together so it won't flip and you can't fall. And I don't know how you made the switch, but maybe use a custom powerup?