Ah, citizens of forgehub. I need your opinions on a song I have been writing all day. first off, the important stuff. The Title=Hang Your Hopes. Chord Progression Verse=G/D/C/Em Chorus=D/C/G/A# Lyrics (with chords for first verse and chorus.) (Verse) G___________ D_____ C______ Em Nothing ever works out Just face it, your basically screwed You know you can't ever win So quit before you lose (Verse) I'm not gonna fake it I don't care anymore I don't know how to take it I don't know what to do (Chorus) D_________C It never seems G_________A# Broken dreams Work out for you or for me so hang your hopes Tighten the noose just quit now you got nothin' to lose (Verse) I guess I'll just sit here Nothin' else to do I don't feel like it I'm not in the mood (insert chorus here) Please give me constructive comments. No flaming.
'yeah, I sort of realized that. Take a guitar and strum it out yourself, I don't live in a studio. I ment the lyrics too.
The lyrics seem good. But I know nothing about guitar. So if you could just record you playing or have someone do it I would have better feedback.
did you mean loose or lose loose - not rigidly fastened or securely attached lose - to fail to use : let slip by : <no time to lose> I know loose is a better rhyme, but it doesn't make sense
You should really record yourself. Most windows computers have windows sound recorder in the applications. Just get a microphone and record your song.
thats pretty good, i like it. i would actually listen to that! if you have a video camera you can use that too, just upload to youtube. through in a couple more verses. in verse one, i think you should change "so quit before you lose" to "so just quit before you lose" but whatever, ur song man, i like it private message me if you ever do record it. i will also be regualary checking out this post.