Thanks to Arch3m for creating the panda and thanks to whoever made the armor for the spartan and elite squirrels (N1nj4?). I did the rest (changing facial expressions, animating, and transferring the helmets to the pandas) If there are two side by side, it means either could be used in place of the other. Normal Joker Embarrassed Crying (Different speed) Sick (Different speed) Angry (Animated/Not, look at the eyes) Sad (Animated/Not) Confused Happy OMG! Laugh (Animated/Not) Cowboy (Hat) Pirate Theater
Pandas, anyone? Sonic Ninja Ascetic Assault (Size) Combat Commando CQB EOD EVA Flight (Size) Hayabusa Mark V Mark VI ODST Rogue Scout Security Recon
The picture limit is 20 and i have around 30 something EDIT DUE TO NO MORE ROOM!!!! Anybody want a special panda? The Official Y35------(Is this what you wanted?) Kagemusha-----------Magician T1mothy95-----------Astronaut redearth-------------Mister Chief (As close as I could get...) Many Popes----------(I took a guess you wanted this) Asper49--------------
O, ok, just askin. I should have read more carefully. Come to think of it, should this be in Graphics and Arts?
and instead of doing two threads, save space and use a second post. and ninja was the one who did the squirrel armour.. but thats not his real alias.. i just dont remember it
yes, it is. but i didnt get infracted for it lol. you could always just let someone else post too. idk
Ok new pngs are up for this set and the other thread's set. But I don't think the animated ones have the capability of a png style picture that has no true background.
No, if you say its reserved for more photos you wont get in trouble at all. And i like these, you should soo make me a purple one :O
next 4 ppl get a special one like y35's! Ill make more than 4 more whenever i get more time.. Just post here and ill have em by tommorow
Ha! Look at that little freakin' panda! I could definitely get used to using him and his various headgear!
i love pandas, this is awesome, and the animated ones actually express well. i like them alot, and my favorite one is the recon, because your not holding it cruelly back from us........uh, thanks. you did well.