Teaser pictures for my new map, Pipeline, which I will post sometime within the next two weeks. EDIT: Pictures of the new build are up! (The next 3 pics are me messing around with the flamethrower) Also, the barrel packs pose a "shrapnel" threat- Apparently, the barrels, once launched by the explosion, have enough momentum to drain your shield power if you get hit with one. CURRENT WEAPONS/HAZARDS LIST: --------------------------------- Depot Area (Defender`s base): --------------------------------- Battle Rifle x2 Sniper rifle x1 Assault Rifle x1 SMG x2 Shotgun x1 (no extra clips, 1.5min respawn) Plasma Nades x2 Spike Nades x1 Frag Nades x2 Spiker x1 Plasma Rifle x1 carbine x1 Machine Gun x1 Trip Mine x1 Exploding Barrels x3(Very dangerous, automatically destroy turret+operator if triggered) -------------------------------- Pipe Area (Attacker`s base) -------------------------------- Battle Rifle x2 Sniper rifle x1 Assault Rifle x1 SMG x2 Needlerx1 Carbine x1 Plasma Nades x2 Spike Nades x1 Frag Nades x2 Spiker x1 Plasma Rifle x1 Rocket Launcher x1 (no extra clips, 2 min. respawn) -------------------------------------------------- Extras/Easter Eggs -------------------------------------------------- Flamethrower x1 Warthog x1 Author Signature Easter Egg: Find it for an e-cookie (once the map`s released)
no offense, but i thought of doing somthing like this, but then i realized that no one is really looking forward to my map. maybe if you had a featured map, people would be excited because it will probably be good, but i assume you don't. not trying to trash you, just saying
Why have you posted the screenshots? Why don't you just post the map because you have done the map and got the screenshots which are the hardest things to do in my book ..
To all the recent posters: Yes, the map is very close to finished, but I can`t post it, thanks to my LIVE subscription running out, and my seeming inability to resubscribe. I hope to start testing the map by the end of the week, as soon as I finally resubscribe. Sorry if the thread seems pointless, but I`m just too excited about Pipeline to not show it off. ^^;