Cryo Breach

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SlasheI2, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    Cryo Breach
    Created by SlasheI2 a.k.a. PolishedLake

    Download Cryo Breach

    Supported Gametypes: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    Map Description
    This is a map that I made a while ago but was just too lazy to
    post it until now. So basically a bunch of scientists working
    on illegal bioweapons extracted from parasitic aliens. But one day
    they aliens break free.

    So most people didn't read the description so I'll just explain what
    happens in the pics.


    This is where most of the humans spawn. If you're unlucky
    then you'll be one of the few people who spawn inside the lab


    These are the people who spawn in the lab, if you notice that the
    zombie spawns inside the cryo tube. After 10 seconds, the zombie is
    forced up the tube into a teleporter forcing them upwards where
    they brake free. Afterwards, the power goes out after the battery is destroyed


    After zombie breaks out they teleport up here to jump
    down and kill the scientists trapped in the room below


    Power goes out after 10 seconds and backup power turns on

    The lab scientists are trapped in the lab until 20 seconds
    into the game. They go free after the coils are blown up by another one


    If they survive long enough they can get to the energy bridge.
    If you notice the deactivated plasma turret on the roof(removable)
    Can you make the jump? There's high grav BTW If you fall, you fall
    into the maze


    If you fall down the energy bridge you fall into the maze.
    This maze was used to test the intelligence of their bioweapons
    but now it's been used against them. Kind of like rat's in a maze
    There are some good weapons there.


    If you find your way into the weapon locker you find that only
    3 battle rifles are left because the rest of the weapons were taken
    by the other scientists who mysteriously disappeared a couple of
    days earlier. A short camping spot but there's a secret route for zombies


    The weapon locker is also connected to the lab through a small
    hole in the glass above. I died right there so watch it.


    This is the decontamination chamber, if you remember the teleporter
    in the room where the humans start, this is where it takes them.
    The brute shot spawns here which is a very good weapon to kill zombies
    But hence the name, the chamber is flooded with explosives every 45
    seconds so don't camp there


    After going through the chamber it takes you upstairs

    The anti grav platform chamber. This room has a series of
    floating platforms. If you're able to get to the top you're awarded
    with a tripmine. Some of them are fake however and you could fall
    down to the aliens.

    Below the anti grav room is the vehicle depot. But watch out
    the energy tanks next to them are highly explosive


    If you go into the teleporter at the top of the anti grav platforms
    then you can get up into the observation tower.(the thing above the
    energy bridge)


    There are hidden weapons for those who are able to find them

    action shot
    Zombie killed the scientists waiting to go free. I geomerged the
    teleporter into the ground to reduce bumping.

    Download Cryo Breach
    Download Breach
    #1 SlasheI2, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2008
    OMFGDRPHL likes this.
  2. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    I love infection, and I love when people actually create good things on Cold Storage. Despite the blatant unoriginality of sticking a zombie in that tube, the rest of the map looks like a lot of fun. Not the most aesthetic map ever, but I really couldn't care less. I just want fun XD

    3.5/5 for now, be back with a review later.
  3. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    really? Because I've only ever seen one other map where the zombie starts INSIDE the tube.

    EDIT: man, it's so annoying when noobs rate your maps a 1 for no reason. Frickin idiots.
    #3 SlasheI2, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2008
  4. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Neat, I was considering making an infection map on Clod Storage, but you beat me to it! Mabey I'll use a different area of the map or something...
  5. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    i actually did read the discription, i like the map and the story, i think its pretty well made, but you may be able to grenade jump out of some parts.
  6. V

    V Ancient
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  7. Floppy2276

    Floppy2276 Ancient
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    Loveley looking. It's pretty hard to find a nice map out of all the ones in Cold Storage. 9/10.
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Looks like a very well thought out cold storage map. That's new. I'm not a big infection guy, but I might have to try this out. I like how the zombie spawns in the tube. Good ideas. 4/5
  9. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    wow this makes my attempt at infection on cold storage look bad, and my friends enjoyed it. 5/5
  10. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    thanks for all the feedback everyone. But to the person above, that was kind of spam you know.
  11. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    This map looks very well thought out, and I must congratulate you on making a good map on Cold Storage. I tried to and failed due to lack of items, but it looks like you have achieved the impossible. Great job, 5/5.
  12. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    Yeh, I know. Cold storage had barely any items I could use and the best thing I could do was use a money glitched map. If only Bungie let us use more items because I had planned to fill the anti grav chamber with more stuff.
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    It has some good parts to it probably the best are the zombie release design I wish you had made it longer than 10 seconds but oh well. and the turrets and telepoter platforms are nicebut the rest of the map could be expanded and you could have addaded a few more things but overall its good Its nice to see I'm not the only one making maps on cold storage though. : ]
  14. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, Is you read my other posts, I hit the Item limit of all the items so I couldn't really add any more things.

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