finally, blaze desserves to have many other maps featured too, this being my personal fav. clearly a five out of five. And blaze said he would never be front paged, pfft, Countdown to premium Blaaze.
I would say nicly interlocked ,but interlocked isn't the right word ,nor do I think a right word even exist. 15/10. I think that this just took sewers place as my favorite map. P.S. is geo-mearging like that isn't even possible. (is it?)
I remember playing on this with some friends and I throught that it was very oringinal and very good with all the interlocking and just how great everything looks. I knew this is going to be featured and it finally has been featured.. Great job on the map and we're sure to play it during TGIF.
Great choice, Blaz is an excellent forger and its about time he gets rewarded for all his hard work, i liked this map very much, and his descriptions are also amazing to read.
Congratulations Blaze! You finally got your first featured map You should have had one along time ago The maps great, plays great to.
i knew this map would be featured the minute i saw it in community, way to go blaze everyone this is a must have, a 5/5, you have to try it
i love the pipes, i love the gameplay, i love the map, and i love the fact that one of blazes maps is finally featured, he really desurves it. take a look a curbstomp and bayonettework too pleaze. they need some love too.
WOW! Looks amazing, but could we get more pics? Why do all features only have three, yet people dog on newbies if they have four or less? but anyway, great map! I saw this when it first came out, and now it's a feature! Love it! 9/10 and 9 dls! Lol
Looks amazing! 5/5 stars! Love how it looks , and plays. Just played with my friends last night and it was fun! Could be bigger, but if this is what you meant to make then it's great!