heres a thing my clan and me made Boarding Action H3 Style heres the picture: heres the link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
This post is not up to forgehub standards. You must provide pics, and we like a description. Here is a link to the rules: ForgeHub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps
im actually gonna dl this map right now and go check it out i wish you would get those pics up to make your post up to standards though.
I'm gonna download it just because I liked the Halo 1 map so much. My question is "How did you solve the fact that Foundry doesn't have a death pit?" Please add some working screenshots though... EDIT: Thanks for fixing em...
OKay now i am going to help you with your pics. first you need to get the pic on halo then search for it on when you have found it either copy the URL (website) or save the pic then go to here ImageShack® - Image Hosting and either browse for the pic or paste the URL in then host it then click on the pic that comes up and a bigger one will appear then you copy that and paste on to the poist
its actually pronounce "my clan and I", but dont worry about it, my ocd's not kicking in. So yah i see you map, small pic but whatever. i think it needs a death pit, and there shouldnt be bridge, just teleporters.
i cried out in pain when i saw this, i thought it would actually be a good remake of boarding action, but i was very dissapointed.