THIS MAP IS OUTDATED!! CLICK HERE TO GO TO FLAG CHASER V2! --- Hi everyone! This is my second map. It is called "Flag Chaser". It is a very simple game for CTF fans. It is based off "One Flag" Cature the flag games. I understand you can buddy-jump your way out (grandes are disabled), but please do not. There are stairs if you spawn outside the map for whatever reason. There is an offical gametype! Links are at the bottom of the post. And yes the photos should work this time ------- SETUP: +There can only be 4 players MAX on the map (2v2) +Only Red and Blue Teams are allowed (may not work correctly with +oragne\pink etc) +Yes I know you can buddy-jump out of the map, please don't (the honor system) (Grandes disabled in gametype) --- GAMEPLAY: First, each player starts out in a corner and usally red goes first. The Defending Team must prevent the attacking team from scoring. Teams alternate attacking\defending but each team's colors stay the same. In order for a person to score the flag the must grab the flag and run back to the teleporter on their starting side. Please note that using this gametype is importaint for the best gameplay. Winner is best of 5. --- PHOTOS: -- Main Gameplay Area -- Foundry Layout -- Gameplay Example -- Blue runs for the teleporter! -- Red makes a comeback! -- Blue Flag Away! -- Red eventually scores --- LINKS: THIS MAP IS OUTDATED!! CLICK HERE TO GO TO FLAG CHASER V2! -- IF YOU CANNOT SEE THE PICTURES ABOVE CLICK HERE -- THE OLD V1 GAMETYPE -- DOWNLOAD THE OLD V1 MAP --- Please comment and rate and Download!
You should serisouly do a V2 my friend, and put a ceiling made of bridges walls and fence boxes to cover it up.
Thank you all for your positive comments! redearth - I do not have bungie pro, and I do not have much more space for a V2, but thanks for the idea
Just delete v1 and replace it. Or take one of your other emails, create a silver acount, and see if you can upload to that. Hey any older forgers, this reminds me of a really old map, pre heroic. The fire alley map. Small chaotic and really fun!
redearth - What do I do about my posts on bungie forums and forgehobe about v1 then? Also filesharing is not alowed in Halo 3 for Xbox Live Silver.
redearth please stop flooding the fourm I want to hear more people's opinions than just yours. and how can I have bungie pro on a silver account in the first place PM ME
gametype sounds cool, map looks pretty well made, but can you grenade jump out? i think you can. anywya, map looks cool bro, 4/5
Redearth deserves an infraction for triple posting. I think the map is ok for your first, but not very creative. You seem to know how to interlock so I'm guessing you're capable of creating more complex structures than this. Teleporters basically lead to camping, and tele killing (like spawn killing) if they are a main means of traveling. You also should make the walls higher, because you could jump out with a grenade, double jump, or even an awkward melee while jumping. Even if you intended that, I'm telling you that it doesn't look nice like that. You should also test your maps before posting them with other players. It looks like you signed in a guest because there's always one player not moving. Keep forging though, you'll get better.
Actually, it does, as Project Z & S are going off of our silver account "The ABCrew" I see no triple post. >.> (This doesn't mean start conversing about it. I'm saying there is no triple post. To post back to back to back, with no reply in between is triple posting)
It looks like a good idea, just put more work into it. Suggestions Add a Roof to the main area Interlock the teleporters into the wall, for less spawncamping Or, Create a room in the ceiling to drop into the main room. Otherwise, looks good.
nice idea! i like how you disabled nades on this. the idea is very fun, but it seems easy for the flag carrier to score. also, you need more weps. nice map overall though, so i give a 4/5
EDIT: YES THE IS A NEW V2 CLICK HERE TO GO TO FLAG CHASER V2! Thanks eveyone for your posts, Jusy as a note to everyone: The gametype: -- limits the flag carrier's speed to 50% and can only take 50% of the damage making it alot harder for them to score --There are no grandes --The round length is 1:00! --Everyone can only take 90% damage --- If I were to put a roof on it, there would be no way for if someone to get back in the map if more than 4 people were playing. Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions!