I'm trying to make a wallpaper for my computer in the theme of the cincinnati skyline, but in black only (so basically just the shape of the skyline in solid black). How would I do this? I've tried everything under the colors menu, but nothing quite does it. Sort of like this better example or this
it works for me. but uhm i would say if you have the picture make your BG and FG colors black and go colors > gradient map. and maybe it will work? i dont know try and get back to me.
yeah that is what he wants platinum, i think i saw a render of an all black city skyline, but i dont know if it was chicago.
For reference purposes, this type of artwork is called a "silhouette." In Photoshop, holding "Ctrl" and clicking a specific layer will select that layer. I can only assume Gimp has a function similar to this. If not, I apologize. Anyway, if you already have your skyline on the canvas, just select it and color over it in black. Simple as that (I hope!).
ravn, I don't think gimp has something like that, or at least I don't know of it. Perhaps there is a bit of confusion. I am using this image
Al I understand what you are trying to do, but I think if you give me the picture you want to turn into all black, I'll give you a render.
ahh evil google images. edit: really the picture doesn't matter to me, as long as its a picture of the skyline.
First of all, that image is WAY too small to make into a desktop; the quality of the enlarged version would be horrendous. You'll need to select a different picture. I've never used Gimp before. It supports layers, correct?
uh, whatever is easier. yes, layers are used in gimp. if the image is too small, feel free to pick a new one
Lol Al Im not sure if I know what you're saying, it sounds like something really hard but from my head it seems easy. I don't know I'll post and see if this its what you wanted. EDIT: Yeah sorry Al I know this isn't what you wanted, but thats all I can do without going in with the brush tool and manually make it sharper.
hmm, well it's a 16 in monitor if that's what you mean edit: camofo, it wasn't what I was looking for desktop wise, but I can use it for something else, thanks!