By: JJ3672 ‘Redefining unconventionality while still retaining a competitive edge. Set up for ALL gametypes and 4-10 players. By JJ3672.’ Download! Video Walkthrough Link (courtesy of Gamevee) What makes this map unique? 1. The gameplay flows in perpendicular directions for symmetric and asymmetric games (respectively). This means that the disputed “neutral” areas in symmetric gametypes are the respective attackers’ and defenders’ starting points for asymmetric gametypes. So switching between gametypes is almost like playing a whole new map, even though none of the geometry changes (there are some changes in weaponry). 2. The map features an interesting selection of weapons and equipment, including two fuel rod guns (no spare clips), a grav-hammer, and two deployable covers. Nevertheless, the map is very balanced and the power weapons aren’t…er…overpowering. 3. A shield door provides cover at each base, but a propane tank can be shot from the outside to blow up the fusion coils on the other side of the shield door. Camp at your own risk. 4. Each base has a geo-merged tunnel that players can drop down into to pick up the aforementioned fuel rod gun. However, the only way out is through a teleporter that takes players to a receiver on top of the high wall (receivers merged so that they can’t be seen). 5. The map uses the mainly unused back half of foundry, including the back hallway. 6. The map is set up for ALL gametypes with symmetry in mind. So if you get the sudden urge to play one-sided vip, rocketball, or even infection, the map will not hold you back. It is also unbreakable as to my current knowledge (the place where that guy got out during testing has been patched up). 7. An aesthetic question mark seen from out the giant fence wall window in the pillar room justifies the map name and all of the unconventionalities listed above. Layout Not the best map sketch I could’ve put together, but it gets the point across… An overview of the pillar room and window looking out at the aesthetics. A Gravity Hammer is mounted at head-height on the back side of the pillar. Looking out from the pillar room towards the fortified high wall. This shows the setup for asymmetrical gametypes (one flag shown here) at the defenders’ spawn. The Sniper, Carbine, Regenerator, and Firebomb (below regen) only spawn for asymmetric gametypes to give the defenders some extra fortifications. A different angled view of the same area for symmetric gametypes. Note that the only weapon that remains is the one Firebomb on the bridges (and Gravity Hammer behind pillar). The angled double walls in the background provide cover and a nice aesthetic touch. The end of the high wall on one side. You don’t see a teleporter here, do you? There’s actually a receiver node merged into the double box directly below the frags. The interlocked bridge is high enough to prevent players on the wall from firing over it and down on unsuspecting players below. Looking down from the high wall onto the far end of B base. The geo-merged single box to the left of the plasmas is part of the base’s tunnel. A side view of the high wall. Some careful jumping maneuvers are required to climb to the top if players neglect to use the teleporter in the tunnel (or if said teleporter is being guarded). The main part of B base, including the tunnel entrance between the two dumpsters. At bottom left, there is a little niche that players can jump down into to pick up a Mauler. The gravlift exists to propel players up and out of this niche (10 second respawn). The “roof” of B base above the tunnel. This is the home for B team's flag/bomb return/plant point in symmetrical gametypes. The high wall is in the background. The smoothly interlocked tunnel entrance at B base. Simply walk forward towards the fence wall and drop in. Don't forget about the Needler on the other side. A look straight through B base’s small geo-merged tunnel. A Fuel Rod Gun lies at one end of the tunnel while a sender node to its respective receiver atop the high wall lies at the other end. Looking from the “roof” at B base into the “trap room”. Shoot the propane tank to set off the fusion coils from the outside. Once the fusion coils are detonated, the “trap room” is one of the safest places on the map (at least until the coils spawn again in 60 seconds). A view straight down the back hallway connecting A base to B base. This is the place to pick up and use that Deployable Cover. Don’t forget about the Sniper either. A closer look at the Sniper and one side of the back hallway. You can see the corner of a Deployable Cover in front of the second door. Looking out through the window in the pillar room at…err…????? Lists Weapons: 2 Fuel Rod Guns, r=120, c=0 1 Sniper (2 for asymmetric games), r=120, c=1 1 Gravity Hammer, r=150 2 Needlers, r=90, c=2 2 Maulers, r=60, c=1 6 BR’s, r=20, c=2 2 Carbines (3 for asymmetric games), r=30, c=2 4 SMG’s, r=30, c=2 2 Plasma Pistols, r=30 Nades: 8 Frags, r=20 8 Plasmas, r=20 1 Firebomb (both), r=10 1 Firebomb (asymmetric only), r=30 Equipment: 2 Deployable Covers, r=60 2 Power Drainers, r=90 1 Regenerator (asymmetric games only), r=90 Action Shots Me demonstrating proper use of the deployable cover… So I fired the fuel rod gun at the blue player on the stairs, but the explosion ended up…behind me? Strange… This one wins a nominee for “worst usage of power drain”… The flag carrier makes a narrow escape from the fuel rods fired by…his own teammate on top of the wall? Download! Thanks for reading and hope you like the map. DL, rate, comment, etc.
This looks really cool very nice job with the interlocking. The question mark made me laugh so did the pic of the blue shooting blue action;typical(caboose). Anyways map looks fun ill check it out i like the areas that you've used for the main areas of the map you don't see many maps that take up that area well, good job!
Wow this is fantastic. It was a little confusing at first, but now I get it. It looks like you put a lot of thought into it. You have my download. How many hours did it take to construct?
This has got to be one of the best designs i have ever seen, everyone usuelly blocks this part of foundry off, but you seem to have used it to your advantage in a huge way, great job 4/5 for uniquenes
looks great! I gave it a 5/5 because I like how you utilize the parts of foundry no one ever makes stuff at. It looks clean and welll thought out so I thought that it deserved the best rating I could give it.
Very original map idea. Your post was descriptive and had lots of pictures. I liked the interlocking too. However, I had trouble grasping the overall concept of putting a foundry designer picture in here. It was very hard to understand what was what because of all the interlocking. I would suggest that you put in a picture showing the entire map, not just bits and pieces. Anyways good job, 4/5.
Exactly what he said. 5/5. It is unique how it uses the back half of the map only, so it deserves a 5.
Very nice job! Nice interlocking and use of forge techniques! One of the best maps I have seen in a while... I can't wait to see more work from you in the future!
Wow, you did an amazing job with those two side rooms. The design was really well thought out. I will definitely give it a download, and I think that this deserves a feature, or at least a vote for best thought out map. 5/5. Keep forging, and don't die.
mao looks sick, awesome interlocking, i love the question mark haha, so sweet aesthenics as well. Gameplay also looks real fun. good job on this one bro, 5/5
Considering the Fuel Rod Guns have no spare clips, consider the two of them as one. Three power weapons in a medium sized map sounds about right. Uhh...there is no outside part and you can't get to where all the powerups are. Aesthetic only. I'd like to give 'em to you, but unfortunately I've reached the 20 pic limit. Uhh...idk. I usually only forge for 1-2 hours at a time so I kinda lose track after a while. Now unbreakable (the door has been raised), thanks to you. Can't give too much of an overview cause the foundry wall that separates the two bases majorly gets in the way. That's why the designer pic is there, but I understand where you're coming from. Thanks for the feedback, glad you like it.
Just a friendly reminder: the thread for Enigma is now up and running. Comments there would be much appreciated to keep the thread alive. Remember that feedback and constructive criticism are always welcome, so go ahead and tell me whatever comes to mind. Be relentless.
I tested it out with JJ, and it's really hectic and fun! The layout is VERY original, and so is the location of the map. The question mark will act as a "checkpoint" for your mind, as a waypoint to remember the map from besides from the basic layout. 5/5!
Thanks Viper. I've never actually thought of the question mark as a checkpoint, but hey if it makes the map design clearer/less confusing then I'm all for it. BTW, I screenshott'd that epic splatter in the Azure CTF game, look for it in an upcoming map post.
Im probably the 50 bajillionth person to say this but good job on utilizing the most neglected part of foundry with your map!. The Hammer spawn area reminds me of a skywalk in a city wear there are windows beneath your feet and you can see cars drive by lol. Anyways this looks like its great for gamplay. Now it is time for thee mega rating system of death haha. Aesthetics: 5/5 Gamplay: 5/5 from what i can see lol Neatness 5/5 Overall: 1/5... just kidding 5/5 This map is great! like Frosted Flakes!
Thanks, I actually thought about putting some vehicle brigade like thing seen from out that window for aesthetics, but with my budget so low it wasn't possible (no inf. budget glitch used). So I just settled for the question mark, fits the map name better anyway. The map is big enough to accomodate 4v4 as it is. It might be a bit crowded, but I don't have the resources or the desire to make it bigger (not because I'm lazy, just because I think it plays better as is). And the weapon placements are well thought out. Power weapons are balanced and not overpowered (I directed the hammer away from the back hallways where too much camping would occur otherwise). Deployable covers are the perfect equipment for this map, and the fuel rod guns don't play a huge role in the game because of their lack of ammo.
I downloaded this the other day and just walked and messed around on it. It is very unique in that it utilizes only the back half of foundry. It is very well constructed, and I like it. 5/5.
Glad to hear it. May you enjoy your messing around, and if you choose to mess around again, I'd suggest doing it on multi-flag or one-bomb with some buddies.
Awesome map! Love the fact that you are a map rater, making a map! Found this when looking at sigs in a Race Track map. Looks very nice and love the Question mark...
I've actually only done a serious review on one map (prolly the race map you were looking at) because the review thread died, but I'll generally give a rating anyway if I comment on someone's map post (which isn't very often). So I guess you could call me a map rater... But that's irrelevant...thanks for the compliment and appreciation of my "amazing powerup arranging skillz".