Yeah, were you outside in the grass or in the woods. They typically come out in the evening, and effect pets. Thats why most flea collars are also tic collars. I don't think they are native to England. I know where I live we don't have any/aren't very common.
Guys, seriously? It's just another parasite, I have no idea why people worry over insects in general; mosquitoes, wasps, spiders - they're just bugs (if someone points out that spiders are arachnids, I'm going to punch a baby)! Everyone gets bitten once, yes it's disgusting, but you just suck it up and get on with life. My first grade teacher got bit by a Deer Tick and got Limes Disease, that's something to worry about, but not the tick itself, honestly! You're not supposed to run away from something you're 1000 times bigger than, you kill it if it's bugging you! I got one back in the woods once when I was young, on the back of my neck. You pull it off and move on. I was the Harry Potter kid too and I didn't make as big a deal out of it as you guys.
yeah but bugs are grroooooossss!! im deathly afraid of wouldn't understand though cause your a tuff boy
I've had one. They had to dig it out with a needle point. It hurts. All bugs are just gross. Anything that lives in or on someone else is just disturbing.
I've known about ticks for a while. They scared the crap out of me then, and they scare the crap out of me now, too. To my knowledge, I've only been bitten by one once, in the groin area. A lifelong friend of mine got Lyme disease at a young age, so you have to be really careful. Apparently Lyme-infected Deer Ticks are easy to spot due to the bull's-eye rash they leave when they bite you.
I've heard that Ticks can fall off trees onto animals that can be it's host. Not the Halo host. It happens.
Just hope to god it didn't bite a deer first... LYME DISEASE SUCKS (Most of them) Live in pinecones, drop on animals/humans and bite em. Tick Tips: Dont pull it out, the head rips off and stays in you to release more venom. Use tweesers, grab as much as you can and go SLOW
ooooohhh, stop it! im dying!!!! stooopp! im dead. i hate ticks, clowns, busses, and ticks. the only things im deathly afraid of.
Yeah, I was out on a booze cruise with friends in the woods, must of got it there. alchohol and bushes... not a good idea = tics
Uhhhhh, I hate ticks. We got the verminator once, cause we thought we had roaches, and when he opened the wall-- it was like moving. At least 2 cubic feet of ticks. But we set 'em on fire. LOLOLOL
Holy crap i sure hope not! They sound minging and if i see one i will freaked out for agesss!! I live in Wales though.. =]
*Smuggles Ticks into England* O yea, and ticks are little devils. They attempt to get thru your layers of clothes, and bite you. Then you get Lyme Disease :sick:.
Either way you pull off a tic you are vunerable to infection. The trick of the tic is that it's head can still operate without its body attached. To take one of you need tweezers and you go for the head. If you pull the pull of the head can buries itself beneath your skin and that can cause serious rash or worms, depending on the type of tic.
Yeah, ticks can also control parts of your body, eg: Hair growth like say a tick was in your pubes and it needed more cover it simple grows more hair, obviously depending on what kind of tick it is.