Lone sparked off the idea in my head, so for the very few photoshoppers in our community or prospective users here is one of a series-to-be of [basic] tutorials. however this sig was already burnt so the result isnt optimum
huh.. im learning new tools every day. thanks. keep coming up with new ones cause i dont know too much! oh and another thing, you should make this tut more intuitive
Not bad, but you should actually explain what the tool does so people can apply it to their individual artwork as they need it. You just said "use this tool to add depth." It won't always add depth, and the signature you used in the tutorial is actually a perfect example of that. The original had no depth, and using the burn turn really did not add any, either. The burn tool simply darkens portions of the image. This tutorial is extremely vague and not very helpful or informative. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm jumping on your or your tutorial; I'm not trying to be like that. Just trying to help you for the future.
Its a great tutorial but it doesnt seem to have much to it. Maybe you could drag it out with a description of what it does?
well grab the tool and burn around your focal or the edges of your sig like when drawing make things that are further away darker this tut is quite old so im not as proficient with PS so the burning kinda sucks lol