TOWERS OF MORTE The Towers of Morte is a building complex. 2 of the towers are 3 stories tall and you can fall through them. All of the towers are accessible. There is a tower for everybody. Now don't get fooled. You may think, "How will I fight on a tower? This is a retarded idea!" But they are each at a lenghthy distance of each other, connected by bridges. THE LINK TO YOUR DESTINY IS HERE : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Pics....... Towers of Morte! One of the bases. The towers in they're glory Thank you for checking out my map. Hopefully more later. IF you want to download the map here is the link again. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Again Thank you! =P
The way thye towers are placed looks kind of cool just becuase it is not interlocked doesn't make it bad but it would definately make the map look and play smoother. Looks a little empty in someplaces specifically talking about the left side of the bottom picture. Overall I guess it is worth a download 3.5/5
Very nice idea, but i think interlocking could do you some good. needs just a bit more cover on the towers. good job though. 4/5
Hello. This looks like a decent map. I think if you'd interlocked a bit more people would maybe like it. Keep it up
it isn't supposed to be interlocked. it is supposed to be scratchy, kinda messed up. I like to see a map as a used battle field.
good idea but it gets boring after a need more cover on the towers or else it turns into some kind of KOTH thing
map looks cool, i think you could add more, and interlock cas that isnt gonna run smoothe, but deffinately add more actually its too open besides that.
This is pretty cool I like the idea of a vertically oriented map on foundry. And a little interlocking here and there would help. 7.5/10. P.S. Does anyone else besides me see some shades of Gridlocked in this map?