Better than Original! Map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing this one is way better than the original its just a little smaller so people have more to work with there are a total of 3 floors on this mansion instead of jus 2 like the last on this one there is a basement , main floor, an a roof this one has rooms on main floor an you have enough money to puts weapons or whatever you need for it it has a moat an a garage so DL an give some feed back plz Also there is a elevator that leads from the main floor to the roof oh an it has interlocked throughout most of the mansion so i dont want to hear interlock it to make it neater or sumthin thanx Front of mansion Main Floor Basement Roof
nice interlocking the stairs and i love how it isn't all that messy. good job! 4/5 for making an idea that lots of people have already made
The stairs are very messy and some in the middle look crooked. Overall it could be a little bigger. You might want to include the money glitch with your blank map. Also unless your in the city most building have slanted roofs for rain (even thou theres no rain in Foundry it adds to you map) A deck or porch would be cool. And last your basement is to open!
I agree you need to make it look more like an actual building and also why dont you make some objects like a bathroom, living room, ect to make it less open so people would want to play it more for games
You BOTH obviously did not read the description. This is a mansion canvas for people to forge on. Everything is supposed to be bare. The stairs are turned ever slightly because they are in the shape of a fan, or funnel, like this <. Please read his description. Anyway, I think it was a nice idea to make a mansion canvas. I personally would have made the roof slightly more like bart's manor, but that's just me, and I'm sure that it's part of the canvas experience. I like the stairs' shape too. The only other thing I could ask for is more entrances, or pictures of them if they are there.
well the 1rst floor is pretty well made but the whole place is very bland and could have been added to more
it actually looks pretty cool, for a mansion map some mansion maps suck a ton, but it looks oky, great job
Umm i think he purposely made those two staris slanted. And its called Blank Mansion its supposed to be open. I like this and this should help alot for people still wanting to make the haunted mansion infection maps.
Yes more entrances would be nice. But the stairs are little crooked. They could be interlocked a little nicer if he is gonna do the fan shape. P.S. Sorry for the Double Post!
Wouw a 1 story mansion coolest map i have ever seen Not this is bad 1/5 sorry it doesnt look like a "Mansion"