Home Field

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by n0pr0bl3m5, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. n0pr0bl3m5

    n0pr0bl3m5 Ancient
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    map: Home Field
    gametype: Protection
    This map is.... crazy. You must download the gametype for this map tho if u plan on downloading the map. This map will not work with regulare infection gametypes.

    This is an infection map. It's a secret base located in a construction site. The setting is that all life has been wiped from Earth. The only people that are still alive are the few that reside and hide in this base that is hidden in a construction zone. They call this base, Home Field, because only the few humans who are still alive know about this place and this is their home. For 20 years these humans have lived here to hide from the zombies, but now the zombies have found it. The humans are in trouble. They must keep the place protected. The thing is, eventually human race will fall. It's about pride now, not survival. The goal is not to not die, but to stay alive the longest. Because the humans know that it is over, but they will not go down without a fight.

    The zombies rush in armed with only a Plasma Pistol and Handgun from the outskirts of the construction site to consume the last the few humans that have been hiding from them for the past two decades. The zombies are mad... and smart. After two decades of seeking these humans they have learned how to drive vehicles and to pick up weapons. Some of the zombies prefer to run across the construction site to the base while others decide to race over on mongooses. Zombies can only take half as much damage as normal and they have poor camo.

    At this time the humans are gathering weapons and talking strategy to, stay alive. Good thing the humans have set this home up as an emergency military base also incase of an emergency like this. Some humans will post up on the gun turrets in the two lookout towers while others gather military arms from the BR/CC basement., Sniper Room, Shotgun dorm, Equipment Room, Heavy Artillery Room, and Duals Area. What to choose from? What to do? The only thing u are not allowed to do is leave the base. NO LEAVING THE BASE! U can escape to the roof, but becareful of the zombies that picked up a sniper. U can camp in a room, but becareful of the zombies that have picked up the rockets or flares.

    Please download and comment. Get the gametype too!!!!

    This is where the zombies start.

    These are the mongooses that the zombies use for faster transportation to the base.

    More pix:
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    No thumbnails, next time. Just post the whole picture.
    Interesting storyline, but I hate these types of games, personally. Oh well. I'm sure it's good.
  3. n0pr0bl3m5

    n0pr0bl3m5 Ancient
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    I wish i knew how to do big pictures.
  4. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    The thumbnails are really annoying.
  5. n0pr0bl3m5

    n0pr0bl3m5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know the pix are small, i dont know how to fix it, but u can tell me how the map sounds.
  6. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    You are supposed to use the direct link not the link to the thumbnail
  7. n0pr0bl3m5

    n0pr0bl3m5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh oops
  8. MagicalMonkey93

    MagicalMonkey93 Ancient
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    Looks interesting but I believe that less is more. I.E. too many screenshots.
  9. n0pr0bl3m5

    n0pr0bl3m5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i thought, the more the better

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