Hello forgehub. this is sargent suchy with my 4th map made like an mlg but diffrent changes. This map is made for slayer and mlg and any slayer varient so have fun playing on this enclosed blood house with 1 rocket at the middle of the map and a shot gun underneath. some pictures of the map... This is one of the starting spawns. another view of the spawn plus some of the map. mid court where rockets are. View from the other side. a teledoor whitch brings you to one of 2 doors. The other spawn of opposite team. there is the easter egg. Here is the shotgun. Here is me travelling about the map. overview of map. other side overview. This map is great for 1v1 and 2v2 but is recommended for 2-12 people. Next map is going to be BLG V2... MAP: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
the tele door just looks like a tele in front of a door and the map needs to be a bit more neat but looks like a fun map to play on i might dl.
looks like an okay map, but needs more cover and interlocking. i would DL this map, but it just isn't eye-catching. sorry
map lookss like a decent desigin, i think more cover is probably needed, and since you know how to interlock, and accept interlokcing, then maybe clean it up a bit. i see some messy parts.
Some parts definitely could have been better. It just looks a little bland. Also the middle bridge with the rocket bugs me.... It's not smooth, you have to jump up that slope, which seems like it would be tedious, and it is also really crooked. The shotgun spawn, does only one end have window panels blocking it off, cause that isn't very symmetrical, it will give 1 team an advantage. But I guess I have to reserved judgement until I play.
It's not really an Easter Egg if you show it; is it? Otherwise, cool map. The stairs pointing directly at the stairs look strange to me. Besides that, good job.
I think the map looks like the skeleton of a future great map. it needs some more cover in my opinion and some of the interlocking is a little sloppy. I like the idea behind the teledoor! Good luck with future maps!
Could be cool but people like maps that are easy on the eyes and that are straight and interlocked... as do i. But you got something good in the works
so are there any other weapons besides two plasma cannons, a rocket launcher, and a shotgun? i didnt see any BRs or such
Yeah. I would Download ,But it looks like you interlocked. But not very good. No offence but for example the bridges don't meet perfectly,And you can see the teleporter coming out of the Door. 2/5 sorry.
umm... very basic and kinda unattractive... Work on the interlocking and the overall smoothness of the map and I'm sure it'll be excellent! Great job for first map though...