
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Murdock Sampson, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    A mini-game map by InferiorPigeon, Waylander(TheTexan83), and Murdock Sampson

    Armageddon- a usually vast and decisive conflict confrontation
    Car-mageddon- an event revolving around mass vehicular manslaughter, resulting in pure awesomeness and ecstacy

    Welcome to Car-mageddon.


    This is a fast-paced, hectic game. So try to keep up.

    The map is basically a blank Valhalla. But with blocked off bases and caves, and also there are carefully placed “go-to” points all over the map. And some nice towers to mark said “go-to” points.


    Note: On the top of each tower is a receiver node. Which light it up all pretty like. And the orange part points towards the next “go-to” point. Bet you didn’t notice that.

    Hogs & Hammers is the gametype for Car-mageddon. Basically, the game revolves around one-sided VIP. Each team has his/her own objective. In case of uneven teams, give the attackers more players. Recommended: 7 players (4 attackers, 3 defenders) Continue your reed for more info:

    Hog Team:

    Hog Team spawns outside of the mountain-side base. They spawn by their own hogs, so they can simply jump in and drive off to their objective. Which is to kill:


    See there is 0% damage. So the only way for Hog team to score, is vehicular manslaughter.

    Hammer Team:

    Hammer team spawns inside the mountain-side base. The hogs are right outside. I know what you’re thinking. “O noes! Tehy are gownna run us down.” But no. You have hammers for a reason. To launch those hogs. Pretty much, hog team escorts your VIP around as you constantly launch away incoming Hogs. Tip: Your VIP has sensors. You don’t.

    More game info/action shots:

    A wise tactic for VIP is to shoot an overloaded plasma-pistol burst at incoming hogs, and then side step to avoid splattering. But remember, you have limited ammo. So don’t overuse this tactic.

    Lots of launching happens.

    And lots of general mayhem.

    Well that’s all for now. Be sure to try it out. Special thanks to all my testers (too long a list to name them all) and some people who helped with settings and such:
    mega thumbsss
    turbo gerbil

    That’s all I remember. If you tested, be sure to say something and I’ll edit and add you in.

    Download Car-megeddon

    Download Hogs & Hammers

    Thanks for your attention and feedback!
  2. Fluffy Pie

    Fluffy Pie Ancient
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    Looks like a hammer full of fun. Idk how much the game play would change if you added crates or other things for the VIP to jump on. Other than maybe trying that 5/5 and a DL.

    EDIT: Oh ok.
    #2 Fluffy Pie, Aug 3, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2008
  3. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    Seems really fun but isn't it too big of a level?

    Roughly how many hogs are there?

    I reckon there could be a really addictive game similar to this, but on foundry, and you gotta wack like crates and wire spools to kill.

    How many warthogs are there in the level?
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Players have high gravity so they cannot jump overt the crates to get into the caves and so the VIP team has to work together to keep the VIP alive.
  5. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Seems pretty cool, although if its unlimited ammo the plasma pistol may get a bit old
  6. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I think he fixed that. At least for the VIP. The Heavies(bodyguards) still have unlimited ammo though.
  7. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    it looks like a really good game and it is a really nice to see it on hear good job
  8. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Is it me or are the pics just not working on my pc. Everyone else seems to be able to see them...Oh well crappy computer!

    If they actually aren't working, I'm sure you know what to do. You're not new. It sounds good from the map explanation and from the comments.
  9. Magekid211

    Magekid211 Ancient
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    Very original.I've never seen a Valhalla map with the caves actually blocked off.Valhalla maps can be rare, so I give this map 5/5.
  10. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    this seems like a very fun game! the idea is just suburb and the game looked easy to make (no duh) but the game type seems confusing to make. good job, 4/5. you should make a little bit of barriers or small boxes here and there for the attackers
  11. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    looks like you got it posted. Ill definatly download this, and im glad you fixed the unlimited ammo plasma pistol.
  12. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    hey ya posted it!
    awesome considering it took like DAYS to make *cough, two hours, cough, cough*

    I'm really glad that we were able to get all those settings right, good thing VIP has like a billion and half things you can do with it!

    I wish we could add some different vehicles, but im not sure what else would go good with it, if anyone has suggestions please state them!

    ohh there are 4 warthogs to answer one of the questons
  13. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    After a lot of thinking, which i dont personally like to do, we decided on valhalla. mostly because its not being used a lot, and because it served the map's purpose. IDK how original the map is considering its similarities to tremors, but all in all its pretty fun so i'd recommend the DL

    Question 1: No. we picked it because of its size. there are other similarly sized levels, sandtrap and avalanche, but this one seems to do the job the best. trust me, we thought it over a lot (waylander did a large portion of the thinking).

    Question 2: 4. There can be anywhere from 1-4 hog drivers, but i'd recommend 4, for the 4 on 3 gameplay that i said would be best in my first post.

    Commend 1: Yes. that may be fun, although i've seen similar things before w/ infection. if you want to do this, shoot. i'm too lazy to try and figure out the physics.

    Question 3: see question 2.

    This is probably the best review. It's honest, and tells you the areas where they'd improve, and where its done well. It was very easy to make (the map) because it was based around the gametype. I still owe a lot of credit to inferior and waylander, since they pretty much forged the whole thing, while i mostly screwed around with the gametype and threw out some ideas (a large percentage of which were stupid). there are no barriers, boxes, or anything to hide behind for the VIP so that they have to rely on their guards (Hammer bros).

    Thanks everyone for positive reviews. i haven't got any bad ones or stupid remarks so far (hope i didn't just jinx it)
    headlessbarbie likes this.
  14. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    WOO Necro bump! I played this with you the other day, sampson, and it was uber fun, and it has inspired me to make my vip gametype on avalanche. <3
  15. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    I really don't recall playing this recently. As for the necro bump, its no older than 3 weeks so I'm pretty sure its not actually a necro bump. Who knew? of course if you get infracted its not my fault

    NOTE: If the DL link no longer works, some one please tell me, because I did move around my file share.

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