RaWeSt MaP v2 DOWNLOAD HERE this is a remake of the first map i done on foundry it was improved shuch as a couple new additions like the fence walls and the snipe tower. abslotlely every thing is interlocked except one thing bet u cant find it THIS MAP IS ST8 A COMPETIVE MAP PLAY ONE GAME OF 4V4 ON IT AND U WILL LIKE IT ALSO SET UP FOR UP TO 4 TEAMS AND ALL GAMETYPES WEAPONS LIST 4 BRS SPAWN 30-2 CLIPS 2 SHOTGUNS SPAWN 150-1 CLIP 1 SNIPER SPAWN 180-2 CLIPS 2 SMGS SPAWN 30-2 CLIPS 2 SPIKERS SPAWN 30-2 CLIPS 1 ROCKET LAUNCER SPAWN 120-0 CLIPS 1 SPARTEN LAZER SPAWN 150-5 SHOTS 4 CARBINES SPAWN 30-2 CLIPS 2 MAULERS SPAWN 30-2 CLIPS EQ LIST 12 PLASMA NADES SPAWN 10 NO FRAGS 2 BUBBLESHIELDS SPAWN 60 1 ACTIVE CAMO SPAWN 180 VEHICALS 2 GHOST SPAWN 180
Omg thats raw son, lol jk cant tell much from the pictures, but the interlocking and stuff doesn't look terrible, i can see a few places where it needs a little bit of work, but good post.
its looks simple and some places need work but the interlocking is cean and it looks like people could have a fun game on this map good post.
this is an okay map i think you are being a bit big headed about the map but it is a nice map altogether it looks really nice for 4 on 4
how am i being big headed i theres only a couple of minor things wrong with and none of them interfear with gameplay so their acceptable. i think some people get so caught up with how nice and neat every thing is or making somthing fancy that they completely forget about gameplay which is what all of my forged maps are based around. trust me my maps might not be all that great but at least u can have a fair copetieve match on them.
Rawest Map v2 I really like this map. My first impression of it as i did my forgethrough was that this map was built from the ground up for gameplay and forge techniques were used to help make gameplay better not in an attempt to show off forging prowess. That said your forging is very good. All of the interlocking is to a very high standard only little bumps in i think four places i noticed and considering the amount of ojbects on the map i think that we can ignore those and say perfect interlocking. Its also practically perfectly symetrical, the only way you could make it more symetrical would be to build one half of the map and mirror image it somehow. So some a terrain standpoint the map is pretty much perfectly balanced. The weapons are identical as well on each side of the map with the three power weapons right down the middle. At first i did not like the idea of rockets and spartan laser being on the map but with the two ghosts and the limited two shot rocket i now think its ok. The map is not perfect, the back areas infront of offices are just empty and potentially this might lead to a ghost spawn killing scenario. If you have any objects/budget left just by placing a few objects in this area will massively improve the map. On the subject of Ghosts you rarely see two Ghosts on one Foundry map but i do not think that its a massive problem on this map. I was able to get the Ghosts up the stairs on both sides of the map but its quite arkward and frankly would be harder still in a competitive game. The cover provided to each side is enough to block line of sight in many places and allows you to escape from nasty situations. I also like the Sniper tower and the use of A and B signs and the powerups will help players identify where they are on the map quickly and easily. The crooked wall that has been picked up on, i know you will hate me for mentioning it but it does look weird and is an easy fix for you. The map is well balanced thanks to its layout and weapon placement. The back office areas really do let you down though which is a shame because i liked the map a lot from a gameplay perspective. For your next map you might want to have a look at learning how to geo-merge objects(merging objects with the foundry walls and floors). The side next to the Foundry windows would have been much nicer if it was geo-merged into the wall rather than leaving a gap which grenades could fall down. This map is not a great example of masses of advanced forging tecnhiques. Is in forging terms is simple but that is not where the strength of this map lies. It may be simple but its focus is gameplay and a fair balance and here the map suceeds. If your only interested in a forging masterclass this map is not for you. If you want a map that takes the basics and uses them to create a fun balanced map then Rawest Map v2 is definately worth a look. Good luck with your future maps. I SeNTiNeL I
Can't get past the name Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? No. Putting the word "Map" in your map's name is fail. Then slapping a V2 on the end slathered it in fail gravy. If you fix something on your map, just keep the same name. It makes it seem like the map is not finished. It might be a great map, but you need help naming your maps.
the map seems pretty good. it is oringinal and seems like it will play well to but y is that one picture using grenade lighting and the others arent?
sential i aprreciate the thoughtness of your reponse and im working on geo merging but i can never get to boxes the same hieght or out the same amount theres always some big bumb where there interlocked. ya i wanted to put somthing in the side pockets where the ghost spawn but didnt have enough money. i tried an money glitched map a couple of time but every time i deleted somthing and ended up getting pissed and have to start over so i gave up on money glitched maps. any way if u could help me with geo merging then by all means give me a couple pointers cause im working on a mlg map right now and well im geomerging the bases but cant get them str8 so help would defintly be great. makisupa yes this is the second time i forged the map it was my first forge map on foundry and was pretty sloppy so i used alot of interlocking and instead of changing the name i just V2 it. i think it turned out pretty good for being an exact copy of my first map. i tried to stay as true to it as i could. if only i could have 50 more money point what could i accomplish.
Watch this for help with the geo-merging. This should help you out. MLG maps are definately ones where the geo-merging and interlocking has to be perfect or people can become very picky very quickly. I hope this video helps. Its a pretty good tutorial video. Im glad you found my forgethrough useful and its cool that you are putting some of my suggestions into use for your next map. I hope it all goes well. I SeNTiNeL I
wow thats awesome, only suggestion is to variate the floor levels =] idea 4.5/5 forging - 5/5 playing -4/5