So its been a while since I have ever used Photoshop and I only used it for about a month when I did. And when Used Photoshop I stuck to tutorials mainly. So I decided to try out some photoshopness on this sig. Its pretty simple just wanted to see what you guys thought of it.
That does indeed look like a good movie. And I believe its art direction is by the guy from 300 correct? Anyways, the render looks kinda plain. But good text on it.
hmmm...... You use photoshop or GIMP? If GIMP, then set the render layer to grain merge. And duplicate once or twice.
I use Photoshop CS3. But what would the render layer being set to Grain do. Explanation is good due to the fact I am a noob when it comes to this stuff.
Your sig is awesome. I wish I had the combination of talent and a long attention span that you obviously But yeah the sig looks like it came from the actual movie or something.
Grain merge blends the color of the render and the BG together so they match easily. Ill do an example real quick.
K thanks a lot, help is always great. Do not be fooled. It is quite simple, the only thing that took long was downloading the font, coloring the font, and rendering it. The background is just render clouds option. Although flattery is a great thing, keep it up.
Yes which is why I am posting it here, asking for help. Thanks for pointing out the stuff I knew lol.
TX, an easier way to do a custom pattern in text is to set a layer to overlay the text(only the text, you may have to do a different document) so make the text 1 colour, and then you can draw over it, and brush. Also, you may want to add something in behind the text and render(between them and the background, just to fill it up. A border would look nice.
System Overload Yeah I don't really understand that... Photoshop tutorials link would be great. Just so I can see photos of what they are doing. And I have a slight border on there, looked bigger in PS lol. Edit: Platinum how would I do that on PS?
I thought maybe if the render was... kind of a silhouette. You know - A big black shadow in the form of a... person? Then maybe a bit of grunge, and make the text a little more square and blotchy... I think it'd look kinda awesome!
For some reason it seems a little bland i think a blue dash or some splatter would make a big difference, as long as it doesn't draw away from the focal points, i dont photoshop myself, but i do know a few things about the CS3 even though i use GIMP when i do try to attempt signatures, another thing that would help a little is if you decreased the size of the font by 1 or two and made the whole letters visable