This is just a standard recreation of the classic Halo2 map "Turf." It's awfully similar but I've added a few Halo3 perks, such as man cannons and gravlifts. It's set up for oddball, territories, and king of the hill and works well with all. Looking for feedback so let me know. http://[URL=][/URL] http://[URL=][/URL] http://[URL=][/URL] http://[URL=][/URL] DOWNLOAD HERE
Nooooo! Where's the Scarab?! This is probably the best remake I've seen in a while. This would also be a good Rocket Race map.
looks awesome great work. In the pic i cant picture the third level with forklift.. is that for looks?
No there is a sword up between the forklifts. I added that area because I wanted to add something new into the map. Plus due to size reasons I was forced to leave out the back portion that had several small platforms you could jump to.
Do assault and CTF work at all? I was a big fan of carrying my bomb to blow up the already mostly blown up buildings in the original...
Yeah, you should always make sure to set them up... at least put them somewhere on the map that makes sense... you don't have to playtest it much when you're suggesting other gametypes to play (as you have), but it's nice to have the option.
W00T for H2 map remakes, the maps were the best part of that game, and we only have Last Resort in H3, which is a crummy remake of Zanzibar and Turf was one of my favourite maps in H2, it was constantly played even before I got LIVE. The only thing that looks slightly bad about this map is the inability for Vehichles to enter the warehouse, which was one of my favourite little details from H2 turf. Perhaps you could recreate this effect by placing trucks that use weapon holders for hinges as well as rollers that keep them in place. I like how you adapted the enviroment slightly for H3 play, which some remakers unfortunately think is unimportant. I am DLing as I post, and will edit this post with a review after I have played it. He probably didn't make the scarab because it has extremely complex geometry and would take up a lot of the budget that he has already used most or all of.
This looks like a good remake. You may want to turn those boxes upside down though, because they would probably look better together like that.
I always thought Turf would be impossibe to remake, but this looks pretty good. Not a big fan of shield doors though. Will download and give it a try.
How did you play Turf before you had Live? Wasn't it a downloadable map which required live? This map looks like the best Turf out there but I don't think the building can be recreated to its past greatness.
There was a purchasable map pack set which included all the DLC maps for Halo 2 except Desolation, and Tombstone (the Hang 'Em High remake). I think It costed about 16 dollars Canadian. Sorry about going off topic, I've tried your map and It was GREAT! thank you for making this.
Thank you everyone for your input. I will look into recreating the doors to the warehouse a little more accurately because I loved that about Turf as well.
probably one of the best turf recreatations i have seen yet, maybe bungie will figure out that we would greatly appreciate a few of the old maps back cough* cough* lockout cough* cough*.
Yay for the only and best Turf remake I have see so far. You did a good job replicating the one from Halo 2. Nice work.
I have seen 4 Turf remakes now. 2 of which are terrible and 1 that was just amazing. I think yours fits in right after the amazing one. Not saying yours is bad, but his had a few more details that this one seems to be missing. If I can find the link I will definitely send to you. Then if you fixed those I would say yours was best.
I have not been able to get anything to work properly as far as making the doors so i'm gonna stick with the shield doors.