Alpha Base A map made for infection. This map is unlike any other because it is based on randomly placed objects and you have to find a hiding spot, and some places have weapons, now don't get scared now and run away, since i said randomly place objects, because this map is fun for all that are getting sick of fat kid and regular infection. Made by: (Me) II Bigwodee II Gametype: Alpha Heres the pictures, keep in mind there is still a middle of the map, and you can hide there too. Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
I am not trying to be totally negative here, but why even post this map? It looks like you put no time into the actual map at all. I would suggest rethinking your design and putting your forging abilities to better use. Again I am sorry to be so negative here, but someone had to do it.
i like it, it is better than most of your maps lol and you will never get bored of the map i will give it 4/5
Yea this is just another "scrapheap" or "junkyard" kinda map but you made it infection... It really isn't very good.
\it may look like a real heap...but don't jump to conclusions straight away I've played on a map like this before (cold have beeen this one) and it was really good once you'd got into the game, but people found really good camping places where they'd just sit and because zombies don't have greandes they got stuffed. 4/5
Dudes. The map is meant to be made of randomly placed objects. I tried making a map like this and it didn't work because it took to much time and effort. I mean, you actually have to have skill to place all the objects like that! But I'm not really a fan of junk yard maps and they are kinda confusing - kinda like a maze - so I'll have to pass on this one. 4/5
I like it, I have made a map like this before, But it was before that I joined forgehub. But all in all I will download and play the gametype with some friends. 4/5. Good Job!
First thing first. Well done to Alien Emperor and Da Pig for realising that this map wasn't thrown together in 5 minutes. They realise that a lot of skill, time and effort was put into making it. I like the map because if you look closely, there are loads of hiding spaces and routes for the humans to take. There's always something new to look at. The heap of rubbish looks like it has been placed accordinaly and that it will host some interesting gameplay. I do agree that the corner spawns are a bad idea as the zombies know where you are going to be every round. Try mixing it up a bit and placing some of the spawns in the middle of the map. I rate this map a 3/5 because it is good but it has nothing special that sets it apart that much (except for the completly random structure but that doesn't count). I suppose you should make a V2 now with interlocking! Haha that's a joke but imagine that!
i also think that this map would be really good for a bit of infection i could see it being a good hit
i see that you interlocked some things (which is good) i still don't like the idea though of place-random-stuff-down-then-go-hide. you should make it more exciting and more action packed
You should reallly change the map name to something like "shattered hope" or something like that (i'm not good at naming things) to let people know that the map is supposed to be like that and have spawns inside the destruction to make them feel like they are survivors of an attack or something.
thats exactly what it is, ive seen it done before, its not too original, and gameplay does lack. It also takes zero skill, ahaha sorry bro, ive done it too.
Dude it does look like you just threw things together and spent no time at it at all which you probably did, but the map is actually pretty fun I made one just like this and its realy fun with infection. so I would give it a 4/5. I'm sure you did other stuff to it to make it alittle better but I"ll try it out.
why in the hell dose every one do this to every some what unoriginal map posted, for god sake give the kid a break. Wile yes it looks thrown together at least it goes with the theme and isn't another one of those ship maps. 8/10 now for my suggestion make the map have time map events that completely alters the way the map plays and make the rounds 4 minuets long so the it seem like the map constantly changes.
i appreciate what you are trying to do with the whole chaotic environment but i think if it were a little more organized it would be better 4/5