Looks great. I like the improvements as well, whcih I think is centered around the "A" rocket spawn. That spot was great, and it looks like you added mor cover, but also seprated the A signs to make it harder to camp up there. Send me an invite so I can play this with you sometime. Then I'll rate it.
I love the base's fence bridge part, and I think overall you did a good job. However, I don't like the fact that it is one sided. I usually don't have enough friends to play it with, and I overall never had fun on those, even maps that were featured or amazing. I would totally download a version of this if there was a symmetrical base across from it, or some other building that was massive. It seems like most of that space is taken up by small cover structures.
Looks great and clean. Also looks like it can accomodate larger parties, and large party type games. However, there don't seem to be enough decorations - barrels, cones, pallets, etc. I am also a Tool fan, and I've got a map called Parabola in progress. Oh well, try and realease a v2 with more decoration. Other than that, it looks great.
Thanks. (about yours, I'm about to go to sleep so I'll get back to you tomorrow) Thanks! =D I wanted to make a nice centerpiece out of stairns. =] Thank you Murdock for all your help, and your reply. I'll be sure to do that. It is true that it is "one-sided"... But this map does work for some nice FFA's, and small 3v3's. The massive base is rather more open than it looks, and there's a lot of ways into it. I like how you pointed out what you did and din't like though. Thanks for the honest reply Zander. I stated in the OP (and in bold) that I can't place any more objects on the map. (It's a bothering problem in forge, I know) If I could I would. But I can't. Sorry, but there's not going to be any v2. But thanks for your reply anyways.
First thing I have to say: TOOL FTW!!! OMG, BEST BAND EVAR!!! Also: Good work on the map, it looks awesome from the pictures and it looks like you put a ****load of effort into the map post. Great job!
Haha, yeah. I love tool myself. (seen them twice already) And thanks! =D I hope you enjoy gameplay as much as you think I did a good job on my post. xD