It still shows your highest skill in your service record you now just have extra ranks to strive towards, keep in mind these new ranks don't replace your skill that will still be shown so in reality you have nothing to complain about.
ShadowRun sucks! But yeah i don't really understand the new Ranking System but i will go along with it as everyone else seems to think it is ok .. Why is the actual update?
I think its going to be awesome i'll be commander and even general in some playlists lol Looking forward to the update AU2
You don't get it dude. I don't care about skill points and BS. I want to have one rank and one rank only.
Relax man, no need to get all your panties in a bunch. all you want is for people to see your a general and blah blah blah, you dont care about if your playing with people who match your skill or if there just noobs, amiright? all this new exp system is gonna do is make it a bit more fair for everybody in many ways. Say you suck at king of the hill really bad, but you pwn at slayer. obviously, its gonna show how good you are in those categories, and you will get matched up with people on your skill level, if you want that general on king of the hill now, your just gonna have to earn it. seems preety fair to me. No point in fighting a general in king of the hill if he sucks at it Btw, i accidentally gave you +rep, i meant to give you neg rep, my mistake, once i hand out enough rep, ill be sure to take care of that mistake. Good day sir.
People get it straight... Your not going to lose anything.If you have a 50,you have your general,you will always have you general,the only thing that changes is you will alsodisplay a rank for your playlist your in. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO GIVE A **** ABOUT RNAK OR JUDGE PEOPLE BASED ON RANK ARE THE KIND OF IDIOTS WHO WILLBE WUPPED REPEATEDLY IN MM. I once got pigeonholed because im a grade three major. The idiots started showing some damn respect once i doubled the rest of the teams net score. All this does is improve the seeding of MM and makes fairer games period.
This sounds pretty cool i like the idea of starting a new in specific playlists while not losing my overall service record and rank. anyone know when AU2 is being released?
I'm not to worried about this I already stopped playing match making but I f I get back in to it and want to rank up 5 little levels so I'm a 50 then I might get worried but for now its just making it harder for people to get the general rank.
It doesn't remove your overall rank. Now they just tell you how much experiance you have in each playlist. Lighten up. It's just an addition. If your a general now you will still be a general. But in the playlists it will show you have recruit exp., and general status.
All this does is keep the old way the exact same, but then shows you how much EXP you have in each individual playlist. Oh no?! Gosh people are dumb these days.
This should be locked now, the queston was answered and he didn't even read the post fully to know what he is talking about
*Locked Due to Flaming.* I don't think this should be that big a deal people. Either way, try to refrain from being assholes to each other, next time infractions will be handed out, consider this your warnings.