Map: Outward Turn Map On: Foundry Difficulty: Medium Link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Description: This is my latest racetrack. It took about 6 hours to make. It starts off with an off-cambered turn then goes into a 180 degree turn then a straightaway. Then lastly a turn to the uncheatable destination. Works with the RACETRACKS gametype. Pics:
I agree with most of this quote. Maybe make the map again and try using the Money Gritched Foundary. The end (like what has been quoted) is very hard. Rating 3.8/5.
thats very creative, an outward turn, seems like everyone would fall over on the beginning part though and eventually fall into the wall
That looks like a very well made racetrack, but I can't seem to find a download link. Could you PM me the link when you get it in case I forget? Edit: Found the link. Looking through your fileshare (while trying to find the link) you seem to like mods. Edit 2: The rating First things first: excellent forging. Outstanding forging, in fact. Other than that, this racetrack just isn't as playable as it might look. The beginning confused me when I spawned above the claw, needing to go through a teleporter to reach the mongeese. It can get a bit bumpy getting off the beginning, and the final jump is almost impossible to land without flipping. You appear to have neglected the ending of the map because it seemed oddly flat compared to the rest. Final rating: 3/5
Awesome racetrack man but um i think you accidentally got the casual section confused with the race track section anyways you might want to take your post and repost it in the race maps section and have a mod delete this one. Sorry for thee inconvenience. Tell me if im wrong and call me stupid if i am alright haha.
Dang, your walls look fantastic, they curv like perfectly, but yea, the money glitch will help alot, but if you dont want to, dont sweat it, just make a new map thats even better
That is some really amazing forging but the layout kinda ruins it. As said on 1st post you should really get used to using infinite money and try to plan vaguely where the track will go. Forging 10/5 layout 3/5
It looks really good but i'll agree with evryone else (baa) the endings flat and the map gets quite confusing. 4/5